Saved By The Parent

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"What's going on?"

The tensed moment was broken by Nickolai's voice. He could sense tension in the atmosphere, the moment he stepped in the compound, which was why he changed his mind about taking the back door.

"Nothing father"

Xavier leaned lazily against the carriage where Stephen had met them, "My dear cousin is just being rude, as usual" checking his already well trimmed fingers like he had no care in the world. His father's presence didn't surprised him, knowing the ongoing rumour would make him travel to town. He was sure his mother would be close by, those two always travel together.

"How are your parents, Stephen?"

With reluctance, he took his eyes off Seraphine, masking his annoyance at being interrupted with a small smile, "they're fine, Uncle".

Mentally clenching his teeth at how his curiousity was cut short by his uncle's appearance, "where is Aunt Ali?" He was definitely upset but he still needed to act like a well behaved nephew, he put a decent distance between him and the human, asking about his aunt for politeness sake.

"I just dropped her off at the Manchesters" turning to the twins, "your mother is waiting for you both at home, she wants to have a tea time with you"

Daniel scoffed, "how old does she think we are" holding onto Annaliese tightly, "I'll go as soon as I see to a more pressing task" Nickolai raised his brow as he gazed at the young vampire standing rather too close to Lord Witcharoft's daughter.

Diane who craved for a private time of her with France, and a distance between her and Stephen couldn't have been happier, "I better hurry before she threatens to lock me up in the dungeon like a common thief" pulling her companion forward, she bid goodbye to the others.

The intertwined hands of his son and the young human didn't go unnoticed. This was the first time he had ever seen his son holding hands with a young beautiful female willingly, unlike the one he does solely out of courtesy. He was glad Aliona wasn't present because he knew her curiousity would get the best of her in trying to know more about the girl. He had managed to cover his own surprised with a mere enquiry about his twin brother and his wife.

"I assume the news of Phemerah brought you here" Xavier saw the tired lines on his father's face.

Blowing a frustrated breath, "you assumed right, I just want to pick an important document before heading to the Upper House"

"Any idea on if it was really Phemerah's eyes or someone is just trying to pull a trick?" Daniel casually asked. Stephen continued to survey their countenance, with his attention solely on the human girl.

"The guards are trying to bring back sanity to the town while finding out if there is any iota of truth in the rumour. The members will discuss the next line of action based on their findings" Nickolai left the kids as he headed to his chamber, glancing around to see that the tension had eased and the servants had gone back to their chores.

Stephen on the other hand was still not convinced that Seraphine wasn't the carrier. His eyes narrowed at his cousin and the human with a careful observation. He needed to see Seraphine's eyes for himself before looking for another candidate that could be the carrier. Seeing that Daniel was ready to leave with the witch and that meant his cousin will be leaving soon as well with Seraphine.

"See you later, Seraphine"

Annaliese was the type who hardly express her emotions to others which was why Seraphine was taken aback when the witch embraced her. Understanding the reason behind her strange action a second later when one of her fingers slightly brushed over the side of her face.

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