Stranger things

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Patrick watched his daughter lying down as she stared at the thatched roof of their home. Worried about leaving her all alone in the house but then if he missed work today, being pay day, he would have to give up on retrieving his wages which will result to getting food on the table difficult.

Since he had started working at the factory, Seraphine had been spending her time at the bakery, which was good for her. Having Cohen to play with, she had always been happy, looking forward to walking with him to the village.

He was grateful that Cohen and his mother had accepted Seraphine wholeheartedly, which in turn had made her more cheerful than before.

"Go, I'll be all right. I'll just think it's one of the days you go to supply woods in the village" Seraphine urged, if they don't want to starve, her father needed to go.

"But this is different, I'll be gone for a long time" hesitating, torn between taking care of his daughter who had suddenly caught a cold overnight and leaving her behind to work so as to sustain them.

She summoned as much energy as she could to stand and face her face, "but we'll have enough money to buy food and other things if you go to work today" 

Patrick sometimes wondered if Seraphine was his ancestor in a child form. As young as she was, she sometimes speak with such intelligence beyond her age.

Looking at how she stood her ground, placing her hands on her waist like she could kick him out of the house anytime soon. Resigned, he nodded, "you're right. I'll go but promise me that you'll stay indoor till I come back"

"I will" she had no where to go in the middle of the hayfield anyway.

"I will be back as soon as I can" he promised, "and i'll get your favourite bread for you"

Nodding, "send my regards to Mrs Montgomery and Cohen" she called after him.

Bidding goodbye to her father, Seraphine slumped on the bed, she looked around the house, knowing she would spend the day with boredom as she had done before going to the bakery.

She already missed playing with Cohen and the aroma of fresh bread that filled the street where the bakery is situated. At least, she would have a break from the snobbish gaze Cohen's other friends.

A heavy feeling settled in her stomach as she thought about the little things she had noticed ever since she started spending her days at the bakery. People's reactions to her eyes were confusing, unfortunately none of their reactions were like that of the bakery owner and her son.

With her encounter with the Lancaster children and Cohen's friends' reaction to her eyes, she had thought the cold shoulder would only be limited to the children. She was surprise when adults also treat her like a plague. Remembering how she overheard one of the customers in the bakery, unaware that she was close by.

"I've been seeing woodcutter's daughter around your son, don't you think you need to be careful?"

"Why do you say so?"

"Doesn't she freak you out, with her eye colour?" The customer cringed, "it's not a good idea to have her around"

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you" Mrs Montgomery had responded.

Immediately the customer left, she muttered something similar to 'imnocent child' before attending to others. Seraphine shook off her downcast feeling as she went back to playing with Cohen.

Seraphine bolted upright, looking around to see the room is cloaked in darkness. Beads of sweat glistening on her forehead and neck. The abrupt transition from the nightmare to the silent night intensifies the eerie atmosphere. She fumble for the bedside lamp, casting shadows that dance across the walls, while the haunting echoes of the dream linger, refusing to be easily shaken. She must have dozed off while thinking about whatnot.

The memory of the nightmare she had flooded in, making her search around the house to see if her father was back. Her heart beat tremendously, remembering how real her dream was. She had dreamt of her father, seriously injured and lying helplessly on the ground on his way home.

Worried with how real it felt, she could almost swore she had witnessed it for real except it didn't make sense since she was right here in their home at the moment.

Stepping out of the house, it is so unlike her father to be this late, adding more to her worries was how dark everywhere had been, to alley her fear of what she dreamt even though it couldn't possibly be true, she went back in to put on more clothes against the chilly night, "forgive me father, I know I promised to stay put till you come but I can't" she said as she walked picked the lantern and set out to the forest.

She had barely walked for long when she recognised the path she saw in her dream, the only difference was the distance between her line of vision and the things she saw, also her pace. In her dream, it appeared she was watching from a higher distance at a slower pace unlike now.

Moving in that direction, she paused when she heard a groan not far away, recognise the black and white checkard her father wore, she ran towards him. Shifting the strange discovery of seeing her father on the exact position in her dream behind her for later, she squatted beside him, "father!" She exclaimed, seeing the amount of blood soaking his cloth around his stomach.

"Seraphine, how did you know where to find me?" Groggily, he attempted to stand.

Too stunned to answer, she started weeping, clueless on what to do next. She wish it was daytime when she could run to the bakery. Unfortunately she had no idea where Mrs Montgomery lived so there was no way of running to her for help.

The more her father struggled to stand, the more she wept, seeing the pain on his face and the blood. "I'll be fine. It's just a little wound." He tried to assure her. "Just give me some time to catch my breath, I'll be up in no time"

Seeing the countless time her father had used a piece of cloth to stop the outflow of blood from axe wound, she searched for clothes nearby. Fruitlessly, she tore the edge of her gown, unsure of the amount needed, she gave it to him.

"Thank you" he muttered as he finally stood after so much effort, he managed to wrap it around him.

"I need you to hand me that stick" pointing at a long thick stick which is sturdy enough to lean on and she quickly complied.

It took forever but they finally made it home, "get a bowl of water" he instructed, "it's not a deep knife wound. Stop crying, I'll live" he chuckled, attempting to calm her with his forced laughter.

As Seraphine squeezed the clothes, she handed it to him while he clean the wound, knowing he needed clean it on time and  cover it to a pod getting infected, he hurriedly encouraged her to wring on time and cry less.

Her worries abated a little when she saw the knife mark was not wide but the amount of blood meant it was a little bit deep.

"How did you get stabbed"

"This type of things happen on pay day, someone must have followed me with the intention of lifting my money. He crept up to me when I wasn't looking. Fighting to prevent him from taking my money led to this"  he explained., "Unfortunately, he took the money in the end."

With a pitiful look, she watched her father, how will they sustain themselves, now that the money is gone?.

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