Chapter 2

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Walking around the unfamiliar big, luxury, grey building nervously

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Walking around the unfamiliar big, luxury, grey building nervously. She just finished making a staff id pass at the lobby. Soyeon PD is there too but she got bored waiting for the dance teacher and decided to walk around a little.

Still can’t believe herself, walking inside the new building owned by Bang PD. Starting this year, HYBE LABELS is having an exclusive contract with a few companies including SOURCE MUSIC. That is why Soyeon PD is here with her.

But Minha was confused about the news last week. And she’s aware of her position as an independent dancer, so it’s a bit confusing for her to be in HYBE LABELS also with an exclusive contract? As far as she knows, they never signed any papers or contracts as backup dancers. So basically, Soyeon PD is hiding something from her.

What Soyeon PD told her last week was that Bang PD himself, personally asked to bring Minha back to HYBE LABELS for the new project. But what kind of project? Minha has so many thoughts and she can’t sleep at all last night. So, she will find out what kind of contract she will sign to today.

She stopped at her steps, getting the phone call from her dance teacher.

“Eh? You want me to go by myself? Which floor? Why are you not coming with me? You make me more nervous than I already am, PD-nim.” feeling nervous with the sudden calls. She’s going to the 5th floor by herself.

Stepping into the elevator, Minha took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. The cold, metallic interior of the elevator felt stark and impersonal, a stark contrast to the warm, familiar dance studios she was used to.

She could feel her anxiety mounting. She had always been an introvert, preferring the company of her own thoughts to the hustle and bustle of social interactions. But this was different. This was a new environment, a new challenge, and she was stepping into it alone.

As the elevator doors opened on the 5th floor, she was met with a flurry of activity. Staff members hurried past her, their faces a blur of concentration and determination. She could feel their energy, their passion, and it was both intimidating and inspiring.

She made her way to the office where she was supposed to sign the contract, her heart pounding in her chest. She had no idea what to expect, what this new contract would mean for her career. But she knew one thing for sure - she was ready to face whatever came her way.

“Minha-ssi? Here!” Minha gulped hard. Well, they seem nice greeting her with a big smile on their faces. Waving their hands to the nervous girl. Minha bowed in respect to each of them before entering the room. With a final deep breath, she pushed open the door, stepping into the unknown. This was a new chapter in her journey, and she was ready to embrace it.

Annyeonghaseyo Minha-ssi.” the familiar voice echoed the room. Minha bowed 90% when she saw the middle aged man.

Annyeonghaseyo Bang PD-nim.” she greeted the man politely.

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