Chapter 83

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As Minha shared the news of her relationship with Kazuha, she was suddenly pulled into a tight embrace by her mother. Sohee hugged her tightly, gently patting her back. "If Zuha is the one for you, then I'm happy for my daughter," her mother whispered, her words filled with acceptance.

Minha's eyes widened in shock at her mother's reaction. She had expected her mom to be upset or disappointed. "Mom? Are you sure?" Minha asked, her confusion evident.

Sohee smiled warmly at her daughter. "I have failed as a mother. You grew up by yourself while I was busy with work and struggling with your dad. Did you think this news would upset me? Sweetheart, I am more than happy to know that you have someone important in your life. And that person is always there for you. I don't have to worry as much," Sohee reassured her, gently caressing Minha's hair.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Minha couldn't hold back her tears. Her mother's acceptance meant the world to her. In that moment, both Minjun and Minhee joined the hug, wrapping their arms around Minha. "We're happy for you too," Minhee said, her voice filled with pride. She knew firsthand the difficulties Minha had faced and the sacrifices she had made for their small family.

They were all proud of Minha for finding happiness and love in her life. Despite everything their family had been through, they believed that Minha deserved nothing but the best. They stayed in each other's embrace, providing love and support for Minha.

And so, in the warmth of their family's love, Minha realized that she was truly blessed. She had a mother who accepted her for who she was and siblings who stood by her side. This acceptance and support meant more to Minha than words could express. It was a moment of healing and affirmation, reminding her that love knows no boundaries.

Kazuha woke up in the dorm room by herself, expecting to find Minha still beside her since they had fallen asleep in each other's arms the night before. However, it had become a regular occurrence for Minha to be absent from the bed when Kazuha woke up.

Kazuha sat up, straightening her bed and reaching for her phone. Disappointed to find no messages from her girlfriend, she let out a sigh of frustration.

Just as Kazuha was about to let her annoyance take over, her eyes caught sight of something on the mirror. A yellow piece of paper was stuck to it. Intrigued, she walked over to the mirror, confusion etched on her face.

The note on the mirror read,

"Get ready as soon as you see this note. I've already picked something for you to wear. Please text me when you're done. I'm meeting my family for lunch in case you're wondering. I'll be waiting for you, my love."

A smile spread across Kazuha's face as she read the cute note from Minha. She immediately headed to the bathroom, eager to get ready for their date. One of the things Kazuha loved about Minha was the effort she put into planning their dates. Despite their busy schedules, Minha always managed to arrange special outings for them, which never failed to surprise Kazuha.

Any free time or day off from their group's schedule became an opportunity for another memorable date. This was something Minha hadn't done in the past, and Kazuha couldn't help but wonder about the change. Nevertheless, she cherished these moments and enjoyed their dates immensely.

With a heart full of anticipation, Kazuha prepared herself for the date with Minha. She appreciated the thought and effort her girlfriend put into making their time together special, and she looked forward to the moments they would share.

It was almost 3 PM, and Kazuha was in the midst of doing her makeup. Lost in her own world, she left her dorm room door open, unaware that someone had quietly entered the room.

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