Chapter 90

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On the first day of the second week, Minha found herself alone in the practice room as the other members had solo schedules. She had arrived early, feeling a sense of anticipation for the day's dance practice. However, exhaustion caught up with her, and she unintentionally dozed off while waiting for the others to arrive.

Unbeknownst to Minha, Chaewon entered the practice room, wearing her gray sweater and a cap turned backward. When Chaewon entered the practice room and saw Minha peacefully sleeping on the couch, she felt a mix of amusement and tenderness. A small, knowing smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she observed her leader in a vulnerable state.

Seeing Minha, who was usually strong and determined, asleep and unaware of her surroundings, brought out a sense of warmth and affection in Chaewon.

Chaewon's heart swelled with fondness as she approached Minha, careful not to disturb her slumber. She couldn't help but find Minha's sleeping form endearing, realizing that even the strongest among them needed rest and moments of vulnerability. It was a reminder of their shared humanity and the importance of taking care of oneself.

She had texted Minha earlier, asking if she wanted anything from the café, but Minha hadn't replied. Seeing Minha asleep answered Chaewon's curiosity, but she had still bought the coffee for her leader.

As she placed the iced coffee on the table, Chaewon's amusement lingered, but it was accompanied by a deep sense of care and concern for Minha's well-being. She wanted to ensure that Minha had the rest and support she needed, especially considering the demanding schedule and the emotional weight Minha carried due to her mother's illness.

In that moment, Chaewon's heart swelled with a mix of emotions—affection, protectiveness, and a desire to be there for Minha. She wanted to provide comfort and support, knowing that even the strongest among them needed someone to lean on at times.

Chaewon's presence in the practice room was a testament to her dedication as a member and a friend, ready to offer a helping hand and a listening ear whenever needed.

Chaewon settled herself on the other couch, leaning back comfortably. A few minutes of rest would do her good. She was grateful that today's schedule had ended early, allowing her to come straight to the practice room.

As she relaxed, her gaze shifted to Minha, who was slowly waking up from her slumber. "Pupu?" Minha called out, her voice filled with warmth.

"Yes, unnie?" Chaewon responded, curious to know if Minha needed anything. The leader seemed unwell since the previous day, most likely due to the busy schedule.

Minha requested her bag, which was placed next to the couch. Chaewon handed it to her, knowing exactly what Minha was looking for.

"Two pills of Omega 3. Two pills of vitamin D. One pill of vitamin B. Two pills of joint supplements. And one pill of multivitamin," Minha instructed, as she had separated their supplements for each day.

"Thank you, unnie," Chaewon expressed her gratitude as they both took their supplements. Due to their tight schedule and intense dance routines, they needed to take various supplements to support their health.

As they ate their supplements together, Minha noticed that Eunchae and Kazuha had not taken their supplements the previous day. "Can you please remind them later, pupu?" Minha asked.

Chaewon nodded with a smile, taking note of Minha's request. They decided to warm up a little before their workouts while waiting for the other members to arrive.

Concerned for Minha's well-being, Chaewon spoke up, removing her sweater. "Are you okay, unnie? You've seemed unwell since yesterday. I hope you're not pushing yourself too hard today," Chaewon expressed, her voice filled with genuine concern.

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