Chapter 69

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After the intense Mafia game, the girls decided to head home together. They gathered their belongings, feeling a mix of exhaustion and excitement from the game. As they walked out of the practice room, they engaged in lively conversation, reliving the thrilling moments and sharing their thoughts on the game.

Amidst the chatter, Minha's phone buzzed, indicating a new message. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she read the text, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Manager oppa," Minha called out to the tall figure walking at the front of the group. The manager turned around, a look of curiosity on his face.

"I'm meeting someone in a bit. Could you please take the rest of them home?" Minha requested, her voice filled with anticipation. The manager smiled, understanding Minha's excitement. He nodded in agreement, knowing that Minha had something important to attend to.

Kazuha, who was standing nearby, couldn't help but pout at the prospect of being separated from Minha. Her reaction didn't go unnoticed by Minha, who quickly reassured her.

"I'll bring Zuha with me," Minha said, gently pulling Kazuha to her side. Kazuha's pout transformed into a wide smile, her eyes sparkling with happiness at the prospect of joining her girlfriend.

The manager, satisfied with the arrangement, offered his support. "Let me know if you need anything," he said, his words filled with genuine concern.

As Minha and Kazuha walked ahead towards the elevator, the rest of the members exchanged knowing glances and playful nudges. They couldn't help but tease the couple, their voices filled with lighthearted banter. "Ah, young love! Always sticking together," Sakura chimed in, a mischievous smile on her face. Eunchae and Yunjin joined in, playfully teasing Kazuha about her attachment to Minha.

Chaewon, ever the peacemaker, interjected with a smile. "Leave them be, guys. Love is a beautiful thing," she said, her voice filled with warmth and understanding.

The other members laughed, acknowledging Chaewon's wisdom. They knew that Minha and Kazuha's relationship was something special, and they admired the love and support they had for each other.

As the elevator doors closed, Minha and Kazuha shared a knowing glance, their hands intertwined. The excitement of their upcoming meeting filled the air, but so did the comfort of being together. They knew that they had the support of their fellow members, who would always be there for them.

The rest of the members continued their journey home, their laughter and playful banter filling the air. The bond they shared as a group was strong, and they cherished these moments of togetherness. They knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they had each other's backs, ready to support and uplift one another.

Minha and Kazuha walked hand in hand towards where Minha had parked her car. As their fingers intertwined, Kazuha couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort being in Minha's presence. She was excited about spending the night together, feeling like it was more than just a regular hangout—it felt like a date. Curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but ask about the person Minha was about to meet.

"We're going to meet your friend, unnie?" Kazuha asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

As they settled into the car, Minha fastened Kazuha's seatbelt and then surprised her with a gentle kiss on the cheek. Kazuha was momentarily stunned, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue. She loved it when Minha showered her with affection, but she still couldn't help but feel a little shy.

Minha smiled at Kazuha's reaction and leaned in closer, her voice filled with tenderness. "We're actually meeting my best friend. Are you sure you're okay with joining me? I noticed you were pouting when I informed the manager about it, and I couldn't resist bringing you along," Minha explained, wanting to make sure Kazuha was comfortable with the plan.

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