Chapter 49

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The next day, after the recording, the members arrived at the hospital to visit Kazuha. They had already started without Kazuha and Minha in the morning, and the couple would record their part later, after Kazuha’s discharge, which was in six hours.

 They had already started without Kazuha and Minha in the morning, and the couple would record their part later, after Kazuha’s discharge, which was in six hours

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Laughter filled the room as soon as the members arrived. “Starting today, Yunjin unnie will treat you to good food and anything you want!” Eunchae exclaimed happily, causing Kazuha to look confused.

Yunjin playfully rolled her eyes at the maknae’s statement. “She made that up, but if you want...” Yunjin patted Kazuha’s head affectionately.

Kazuha laughed along with the other members. “I’ll think about it later,” Kazuha replied with a smile.

Eunchae smirked mischievously, saying, “Ask for something expensive! Yunjin unnie doesn’t mind at all.”

Yunjin playfully slapped Eunchae’s arm as she chased the young girl around the room

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Yunjin playfully slapped Eunchae’s arm as she chased the young girl around the room.

“Hey, hey! What are you? Five?” Chaewon laughed as Yunjin caught Eunchae in her arms.

Meanwhile, Sakura offered her help to Kazuha with the food packaging. She asked with a gentle smile, “Do you want me to feed you, Zuha?”

Kazuha blushed at Sakura’s question, feeling a bit shy. She had been fed by the members before, except for Eunchae.

“If you let them feed you, why not me? I thought we were friends?” Eunchae pouted, sitting on the hospital bed and facing Kazuha.

“Because you’re a baby. I’ll feed you instead!” Kazuha playfully took the spoon and gently fed Eunchae.

At the same time, Sakura took the opportunity to feed the shy Kazuha.

The sweet and loving moments were observed by Minha, who had just returned from the toilet. “You guys are here? Why so early? I thought you had a recording?” Minha asked in confusion, her face lighting up with happiness at the sight of everyone.

The atmosphere felt better when they were all together like this.

“We came after the recording, unnie. We finished everything. We brought coffee for you,” Chaewon explained, handing Minha an ice americano.

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