Chapter 93

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Hello. This is Source Music.

We would like to update you on the health status and upcoming schedule of LE SSERAFIM’s Hong Eunchae.

Hong Eunchae is currently feeling unwell, showing symptoms such as fever. Following a medical check-up, she is undergoing treatment based on the advice of medical staff. As a result, she won’t be able to participate as the MC for KBS’s “Music Bank” on Friday, and we would like to ask for your generous understanding. In place of Hong Eunchae, Huh Yunjin will step in as a special MC.

Our company places the utmost priority on the health of our artists, and we are dedicated to adjusting their schedules accordingly. We will do our best to support Hong Eunchae’s treatment and recovery to ensure that she can greet fans in good health.

Thank you.

The agency's statement about Eunchae's deteriorating health had cast a somber cloud over the LE SSERAFIM dorm. While the other members were caught up in their busy schedules, Minha, ever the nurturing soul, had chosen to stay behind and care for the youngest member.

With a heart full of concern, Minha had prepared a nourishing meal of broth and chicken porridge for Eunchae earlier that morning. As she waited patiently for her to awaken, Minha decided to channel her restless energy into tidying up the dorm. Humming a tune from their latest hit, she maneuvered the vacuum cleaner across the floor, filling the space with a sense of calm.

Just as Minha was engrossed in her task, her phone pierced the air with its insistent ringtone. Startled, she paused the vacuum and reached for her phone, finding her younger brother Minjun's name flashing on the screen.

"Nuna..." Minjun's voice is slow, a mix of concern and relief.

Minha's heart skipped a beat. "Yes, Minjun. What's wrong? Is everything okay with Mom?"

Minjun's voice steadied as he reassured her, "Mom is fine, don't worry. I just wanted to let you know that everything is ready. The tickets, the hotel, everything is taken care of, nuna."

A flicker of gratitude warmed Minha's heart. "Ah, really? Thank you so much, Minjun. I knew I could count on you."

Her brother's reply was filled with humility. "It's nothing, nuna. Mom is excited to visit her favorite place again. Thanks to you, we can make it happen."

Minha's voice softened with affection. "Anything for Mom. Please keep me updated if she needs anything else. We still have two weeks left."

Minjun nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "Sure, nuna. But are you sure you're okay? You'll be taking a break from everything after your fan meeting..."

A bittersweet smile tugged at Minha's lips. "I just don't want to have any regrets in life, Minjun. Mom is our priority now, and I want to focus on her."

Understanding filled Minjun's voice. "I know. And what about Zuha? Have you talked to her about this?"

Minha's voice held a sense of reassurance. "Yes, we've had a heartfelt conversation about it. I have her full support, as well as the support of our fellow members. I'll be fine."

Minjun's voice softened with gratitude. "Okay... I'll keep you updated if Mom needs anything. Thank you, nuna. Thank you for everything..."

Minha's eyes welled up with unshed tears as she whispered, "Take care of Mom until the fan meeting. I'll see you all soon."

With a heavy sigh, Minha ended the call, her heart weighed down by the reality of her mother's illness. Stage 4 cancer had cast a shadow over their lives, and Minha had made the difficult decision to step away from her commitments to be with her mom during her final days. Among the multitude of regrets she carried, one stood out prominently - she had never experienced the joy of seeing her mom's proud face in the crowd during their concerts. With the fan meeting just two weeks away, Minha's small family was preparing for a bittersweet vacation once their current commitments with FEARNADA came to an end. It was a chance for them to create lasting memories together, to cherish the time they had left.

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