Chapter 100

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With three weeks remaining before the World Tour kick-off in Seoul, the group had completed their rigorous practice sessions and shifted their focus to run-throughs in preparation for the upcoming tour. Kazuha had wrapped up filming for her drama after a two-month stint. Although she found it peculiar that Minhyun was no longer bothering her, she was content to savor the filming experience until the final day.

Notably, Kazuha's request to omit the kiss scene had been approved by the production team, ensuring her comfort and boundaries were respected.

Meanwhile, Yunjin had successfully concluded the promotion of her solo songs and was now prioritizing rest while dedicating her energy to the run-through rehearsals for the upcoming tour. As the tour date drew nearer, the group remained focused and dedicated to delivering memorable performances for their fans, balancing their individual pursuits with their collective preparations for the highly anticipated World Tour.

But, the somber news of Minha's mother, Sohee's passing, cast a shadow of sorrow over the girls. Learning that Minha had been by her mother's side until her final moments left them heartbroken and at a loss for how to console their grieving leader. The private funeral arrangements added to the weight of the moment, leaving the girls feeling helpless and distant from Minha in her time of need. The revelation of Sohee's passing, coming six months after Minha's hiatus, only deepened the sense of loss and sadness among the group.

Devastated by the news, the girls decided to take a day off from their schedules and remained at home, enveloped in a heavy silence. Kazuha's tears flowed freely as she grappled with the pain of losing Sohee and the inability to be there for Minha in her time of mourning.

In the midst of their shared grief, Jade, clad in her customary black bodyguard attire, entered the house with a calm demeanor that belied the ache in her heart upon seeing Kazuha's tears. "Girls," Jade's voice quivered as she addressed them, each one meeting her gaze with tear-filled eyes. With a heavy yet determined tone, Jade instructed them to prepare themselves, indicating that she would be waiting in the car. Despite the sorrow that hung in the air, Jade offered a bittersweet smile as she informed them that she would accompany them to Sohee's funeral, a gesture of support and solidarity in their shared grief.

Kazuha stood solemnly in front of Sohee's portrait, offering her final bow in a poignant moment of farewell. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she reminisced about the precious moments shared with Sohee, each memory etched deeply in her heart. The brevity of their time together made each memory all the more cherished and significant.

As the funeral proceeded, the absence of Minha was noticeable, with only Minjun and Minhee present. Kazuha felt the pang of Minha's absence keenly but hesitated to inquire, understanding the need for solitude and reflection in the face of such profound loss. The weight of losing a loved one, especially one as dear as a mother, was a burden that could not be easily borne.

The thought of Minha enduring the heartbreak of losing her mother in her own arms weighed heavily on Kazuha, evoking a deep sense of empathy and sorrow for her friend's unimaginable grief.

They emerged from the funeral venue, their gaze drawn to the serene and picturesque hills that provided a fitting backdrop for the solemn occasion. The tranquil setting resonated with Kazuha, knowing that Sohee would have appreciated the beauty of the surroundings.

As they stood gazing at the landscape, a familiar figure caught Kazuha's eye, causing her heart to race with anticipation and emotion.

With tears streaming down her face, Kazuha recognized the figure standing not far from them—looks like Minha. Overwhelmed with a mix of emotions, Kazuha's legs felt weak beneath her as she made a beeline towards the figure she had longed to see for the past six months. Each step closer intensified the flood of emotions within her, the ache of missing Minha's presence and the void left by her absence palpable.

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