Chapter 74

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That night, the girls gathered around the fire pit and casually enjoyed their drinks. Minha, who didn't prefer alcohol, and Eunchae, who couldn't drink, opted for grape juice while the other members indulged in beer and soju. They sat together, relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

"I can't believe the amount of food I ate today," Chaewon exclaimed, rubbing her full stomach.

Minha had cooked for breakfast and lunch, and they thought they wouldn't have any space left in their stomachs. But their managers surprised them with pizza and chicken for dinner, which led them to gather outside after the filling meal.

"I don't think I can eat a lot tomorrow," Yunjin commented, before Chaewon playfully hit her thigh. "Nah, take that back. You're always hungry as soon as your eyes open," Chaewon teased, knowing Yunjin's eating habits as her roommate.

Yunjin scratched her head, pretending not to know. "Light meals for tomorrow, don't worry. I don't want us to gain a lot of weight either," Minha laughed, taking a sip of her juice.

Eunchae added to the conversation, sharing a curious fact with the members. "My mom would be jealous if she knew how much I eat when unnie cooks for us," Eunchae said.

"Hm? Why?" Minha asked, intrigued by Eunchae's statement.

Eunchae explained, "Because I don't eat much at home. She literally yells at me every mealtime. And I'm a picky eater too. So yeah, like I said, my mom is going to be really jealous of how easily unnie makes me eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner." Eunchae's words brought laughter to the group.

"Aigoo, you shouldn't make her jealous then," Minha playfully tapped the youngest member's head and smiled.

Yunjin joined in teasing, saying, "Your mom makes delicious meals. You're just a stubborn kid."

Sakura helped fix Eunchae's bangs and added, "You can ask your mom to cook something you like instead of skipping meals at home. The best moment for every mom is watching their children eat what they cook for them." Sakura gently patted Eunchae's head, and Eunchae pouted but nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, Kazuha surprised the members by finishing her second can of beer. Chaewon couldn't believe her eyes. It was their first gathering with all the members, including Eunchae, and Kazuha seemed to be going all out.

Kazuha reached for another can, but Minha stopped her. With her face flushed and red, Kazuha turned to Minha, giggling.

"Oh my god, she's drunk," Yunjin exclaimed, closing her mouth in shock. It was the first time they had seen Kazuha in a drunken state.

"Just one more~" Kazuha insisted, still trying to reach for the beer on the table.

Minha held Kazuha's hand, stopping her. "You're drunk. No more drinks, Zuha," Minha gently said. She watched with a smile as she witnessed this new side of Kazuha, a drunk Kazuha.

"Why~ I want more, unnie please~~" Kazuha pleaded, her drunk state filled with aegyo, making the members laugh.

"Come on, Zuha," Minha said, realizing she had no choice but to take Kazuha inside. "Goodnight in advance, girls," Minha bid farewell as she walked away, with the drunk Kazuha clinging to her side.

The night continued with laughter and warmth as the members enjoyed their time together, cherishing the unique moments they shared as a group.

The struggles to bring drunk Kazuha upstairs were a bit challenging for Minha, but she managed to lay her down in bed.

Kazuha was now whining, "Why is it so hot~~" and she struggled to take off her flannel, leaving her with only a white top.

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