Chapter 86

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The mini album, 'EASY', was a resounding success, but the journey to get there was anything but. The choreography was the most intense they've ever faced, pushing the girls to their limits both physically and mentally. Minha and Eunchae, who were instrumental in choreographing the dance, could only laugh at the irony.

Exhausted, Minha collapsed onto the cool floor of the practice room, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. "I can only perform 'EASY' less then ten times a day. Any more than that, and I'd probably keel over," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

The maknae, Eunchae, was sprawled out next to her, her breaths coming out in ragged gasps.

With two weeks left of promotion - one for 'EASY' and the other for 'SMART', their other hit that was adored by fans - the pressure was mounting.

Eunchae turned to Minha, her eyes filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination. "This choreo is brutal, unnie. But I don't regret a thing. I had so much fun choreographing the song with you and PD-nim. I wonder how much tougher the next album will be if 'EASY' was this challenging?"

Minha turned her gaze to the ceiling, her eyes reflecting the fluorescent lights. "I don't know, Manchae. But I believe in us. We're LE SSERAFIM, right? We thrive on challenges, we push our boundaries, and we give our all to FEARNOT. I'm proud of us."

Their conversation was interrupted by Minha's sudden question, "Do you have any schedule after this, Manchae?"

Eunchae shook her head, curious about Minha's sudden interest. "Why?"

Minha's lips curled into a sly smile. "Fancy a trip to Itaewon with me? Let's let loose a little."

Eunchae's eyes sparkled with excitement. A night out with the leader was a rare treat, and she wasn't about to pass it up. "You know I can't say no to that, unnie. Let's go!"

After a quick shower and change of clothes, the two of them snuck out of the gym bathroom, their hearts pounding with the thrill of their secret escapade. It was going to be a night to remember.

In the close confines of Minha's car, the soft hum of the engine starting up filled the air. Minha pulled out her phone from the pocket of her jeans, her fingers tapping a quick message on the screen. "Hold on, Manchae. We need Jade," she said, referring to their personal bodyguard. As much as they loved the freedom of a night out, they also understood the need for security.

After a few minutes of anticipation, Minha's phone buzzed with a response. "Jade's in," she announced, a hint of relief in her voice.

Eunchae clapped her hands together in excitement. "I knew Jade unnie would come. She's my guardian angel!"

A smile tugged at Minha's lips as she navigated the car out of the Hybe building's parking lot. "I can tell you two have gotten close," she remarked, glancing at Eunchae through the rearview mirror.

"Of course, unnie. Jade unnie is always there for my schedules. She even gets me snacks," Eunchae replied, her eyes lighting up at the mention of food.

The innocent joy in her voice made Minha laugh, her laughter echoing warmly inside the car.

"Jade treats you like her own sister. I bet she spoils you with all your favorite snacks," Minha said, her voice filled with affection. She was glad to see the bond that had formed between Eunchae and Jade. "It's comforting to know Jade is so well-received here. It puts my heart at ease," she added, her smile softening as she focused back on the road, while Eunchae giggled, already dreaming about the snacks awaiting her.

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