Chapter 97

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As Minha sat by her mother's side in the hospital room, the sterile smell of disinfectant filled the air. The room was dimly lit, creating a somber atmosphere that matched the heaviness in Minha's heart. The steady beeping of the heart monitor was a constant reminder of her mother's fragile state.

With trembling hands, Minha gently held her mother's pale hand, her fingers intertwined with hers. The touch brought a sense of connection and comfort amidst the uncertainty. Tears streamed down Minha's face as she tried to speak through her sobs.

"It's okay, Mom," Minha whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and determination. "You're a fighter, and you've fought so hard. You've always been there for us, and now it's our turn to be there for you."

Minha's words were a plea, a desperate request for her mother to find strength and hold on. She wanted more time, more moments of laughter and love with her mom and their small family. The thought of losing her mother was unbearable, and Minha's heart ached with the weight of that fear.

"I don't want you to give up, Mom," Minha continued, her voice quivering. "Please give me a chance to fulfill my duty as your daughter. I want to be by your side, supporting you through everything. Let's check off everything on your bucket list together. Whatever it is, just give me the chance."

Closing her eyes, Minha pressed her lips gently against her mom's hand, as if trying to transfer her love and strength through that simple touch. She knew that she, too, was in an unstable condition emotionally and physically. The thought of her mother's recovery was the anchor that held her own fragile state together.

"Please wake up, Mom," Minha pleaded softly, her voice filled with longing. "Look at me, hold me, and tell me that everything will be okay. I'm scared, but if you can be strong, I'll find the strength within myself too. I'll do whatever it takes to be there for you. You mean the world to me."

As Minha spoke, her tears continued to flow, leaving wet trails on her cheeks. In that moment, she was willing to sacrifice anything to ensure her mother's well-being. The love and devotion she felt for her mom were immeasurable, and she held onto the hope that her words and presence would bring comfort and healing.


The atmosphere in the waiting room was heavy with worry and uncertainty. The usually vibrant and lively space now felt dull and quiet. Each member of LE SSERAFIM was lost in their thoughts, their concern for Minha and her mother weighing heavily on their hearts. Laughter and chatter were replaced with a somber silence.

Feeling the need to break the tension, Chaewon, as the leader, called everyone to gather in the middle of the room. Her voice was gentle yet firm, carrying a sense of determination.

"Girls, can we all come together here?" Chaewon spoke, her voice filled with empathy. The rest of the members obediently moved closer, forming a circle.

Chaewon took a deep breath, gathering her own strength to address the group. "I know it's been an incredibly tough week for all of us," Chaewon began, her voice filled with understanding. "We've faced so many challenges and hardships. Our hearts ache for Minha unnie and her mother. We're all worried and scared, and it's completely natural to feel that way."

As Chaewon spoke, her eyes met each member's gaze, acknowledging their hidden emotions and the weight they carried.

She continued, her voice unwavering. "But we must remember that tomorrow is FEARNADA, our last show together with unnie," Chaewon emphasized, her voice carrying a mix of sadness and determination. "Yes, we're saddened by the circumstances, and it's beyond our control. However, we can't let these circumstances define us or our performance. We've put in countless hours of rehearsal and practice. We owe it to ourselves, our team, and our fans to give our best."

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