Chapter 17

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A week had passed since the dance lessons began, and Minha’s absence felt more acutely with each passing day.

The youngest members, Eunchae and Kazuha, were doing their best to keep their worries at bay, but the weight of their leader’s absence was hard to ignore. They understood the reason behind Minha’s absence, but it didn’t make the reality any less difficult.

The older members, on the other hand, were adept at concealing their emotions. Their main concern was for the maknaes, who seemed to be taking Minha’s absence particularly hard.

Soyeon PD, aware of the undercurrent of worry among the members, was more lenient than usual. She didn’t want to add to their stress and made an effort to be considerate of their feelings.

 She didn’t want to add to their stress and made an effort to be considerate of their feelings

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“Okay girls. Take a break.” Soyeon PD called for a pause, “Everyone is good. You guys did the point moves in the right timing, that’s good. But I hope Eunchae can relax more.” she continued, “For Yunjin’s part, where you bend your waist, I think it’s good if you can lower yourself just a little bit? Put more trust as you hold on the members. They won’t let you fall, okay?” She gathered the girls for a quick briefing. She offered words of encouragement and constructive feedback, trying to keep the atmosphere light.

After the briefing, the girls dispersed for a short break.

Chaewon, who had stepped up as the temporary leader, watched her members closely. She could see the strain in Eunchae and Kazuha’s eyes, their smiles not quite reaching their eyes.

The rest of the members were also grappling with their own worries, doing their best to stay focused for the sake of the team.

The practice room, usually filled with laughter and energy, was now tinged with a sense of unease. The pressure of preparing for the new album, coupled with Minha’s absence, was taking a toll on the girls.

They were all doing their best to stay positive, to keep pushing forward, but the stress was undeniable.

Each member was fighting their own battle, trying to balance their concern for Minha with the demands of their upcoming comeback. It was a challenging time, but they were determined to face it together, as a team.

A week ago, after the dance lesson, Chaewon had stayed behind in the vocal room to practice while the others had gone home. She was engrossed in her notes when she heard a familiar voice.


Startled, she turned around to see Minha standing at the door, a gentle smile on her face.

Startled, she turned around to see Minha standing at the door, a gentle smile on her face

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