Chapter 87

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Minha had booked a private restaurant in Gangnam-gu for their lunch with her family. She drove her car with Kazuha sitting beside her, their hands intertwined as they felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. "Why do I feel more nervous than when I perform on stage?" Kazuha asked, causing Minha to laugh.

"Exactly. It's my first time being nervous about meeting my own family. But! I believe everything will be alright. My family likes you. They've been watching you since our debut," Minha reassured Kazuha, trying to alleviate her nervousness.

Once they arrived, Minha parked the car safely, and they walked together to the entrance of the restaurant, warmly welcomed by the staff. The staff then led them to the reserved room. "This is your room, Minha-ssi," the female staff said, opening the door for Minha and Kazuha to enter.

"Thank you," Minha replied with a smile, offering a small bow, which Kazuha followed suit.

They both took their seats in the room, eagerly waiting for Minha's family to arrive. "Still nervous?" Minha asked Kazuha, who was sipping on plain water to calm her nerves.

Kazuha pouted and nodded.

"They're already here, baby," Minha informed her, checking her phone as she received a text from Minhee.

A few minutes later, the door opened, revealing Minha's family walking in, all dressed in white outfits and smiling warmly at them. Minha embraced her mom and siblings, welcoming them. "Mom, this is Zuha," Minha introduced Kazuha, who bowed politely to Minha's mother, Sohee, as well as to Minha's siblings.

Sohee was captivated by Kazuha's beauty and her current shyness. She pulled Kazuha into a warm hug, patting her back. "Nice to see you, Zuha," Sohee said, caressing Kazuha's cheek after breaking the hug. Kazuha could already feel the love from Minha's mother, which made her feel welcomed and cherished.

They all sat together, and the staff began serving the meals for them to enjoy their hearty lunch. "Nice place, nuna. The food is delicious too," Minjun commented, looking around the restaurant. The interior and design were impressive, and the place was well-built.

"I'm glad you like it," Minha replied, feeling happy to have brought her family to such a special place. It was her first time having a formal gathering like this outside, and it felt even more special with Kazuha by her side.

Minhee smiled and cleared her throat. "So, unnie and Zuha have a group schedule later?" she asked curiously. She secretly wished they could spend the entire day together and get to know Kazuha better.

Minha wore an apologetic smile on her face. "Yeah, we have a fansign. But it's still a few hours away, so we have plenty of time to spend together. Do you want to go somewhere after this?" Minha offered, hoping to make the most of their time.

At the same time, Minha helped to fill Kazuha's bowl with meat, making sure to also serve her mother, Minhee, and Minjun.

"We can plan that later. But may I ask something, Zuha?" Minhee smiled at the young girl, her eyes filled with anticipation. She had many questions and was eager to learn more about Kazuha.

Kazuha wiped her mouth and looked at Minhee. "Yes, you can ask me anything, Minhee unnie," Kazuha replied, using the term "unnie" for Minhee.

Minhee squealed happily at the endearment, while Minjun laughed and playfully hit Minhee's thigh, teasing her not to ask anything strange to Kazuha.

"I just want to know how it feels to be with Minha unnie. You've spent a lot of time with her since pre-debut," Minhee asked, her warm smile reflecting her genuine curiosity.

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