Chapter 45

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The girls had been brainstorming for days, trying to come up with a plan to help Minha and Chaewon reconcile. They knew that they couldn’t do it alone, so they decided to seek the help of Soyeon PD, their trusted dance teacher.

Soyeon PD was not only an excellent teacher but also someone they could confide in.

One afternoon, after their dance practice, the girls gathered nervously in Soyeon PD’s office. They took a deep breath and explained the situation, sharing the details of the rift between Minha and Chaewon. Soyeon PD listened attentively, her expression thoughtful.

After a moment of silence, Soyeon PD spoke up, her voice filled with understanding. “I had a feeling something was going on between them. It’s never easy when friendships are strained. But I’m glad you girls came to me for help.” She paused, a small smile playing on her lips. “I believe in the power of music and dance to heal. Let’s work together to bring them back together.”

With Soyeon PD on board, the girls felt a sense of relief and renewed determination. They knew that involving their dance teacher would make Minha feel less suspicious about their intentions.

Soyeon PD had a way of connecting with each member of the group, and her guidance and support would be invaluable in this mission of reconciliation.

Together, they devised a plan to organize a surprise dance lesson for the entire group, with the intention of bringing Minha and Chaewon closer again.

Soyeon PD agreed to choreograph a special routine that would require the girls to work together and rely on each other’s strengths.

As they left Soyeon PD’s office, the girls felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. They knew that this mission wouldn’t be easy, but they were determined to do whatever it took to mend Minha and Chaewon’s friendship.

With Soyeon PD’s help and their unwavering support for each other, they were ready to embark on this journey of healing and unity.

Soyeon PD’s announcement left the LE SSERAFIM members stunned. Their eyes widened in surprise as they processed the sudden schedule change.

However, four of them, who were part of the plan to help Minha and Chaewon, skillfully concealed their knowledge and joined in the act of shock.

“I thought I couldn’t waste any more time,” Soyeon PD said, her voice tinged with frustration.

“I thought I couldn’t waste any more time,” Soyeon PD said, her voice tinged with frustration

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“You know how long it’s been since you last performed on stage?”

The girls exchanged bewildered glances, their minds racing to comprehend the meaning behind Soyeon PD’s words. They couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity as they eagerly awaited further instructions.

With a determined expression, Soyeon PD continued, “You guys are the best performers I’ve ever seen, and it’s time to showcase your talent once again. I want to introduce a new choreography as a warm-up before you start preparing for your next album.”

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