Chapter 38

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As Minha’s girlfriend, Kazuha carries an immense burden of guilt and blames herself for not being able to protect Minha during the incident. The weight of this guilt becomes a heavy anchor, dragging her down into a sea of self-blame and torment. She replays the events of that fateful day over and over in her mind, desperately searching for any action she could have taken differently to prevent the tragedy.

The constant replaying of the events torments Kazuha, intensifying her feelings of guilt and self-blame. She questions her own actions, wondering if there was something she missed or if she could have reacted faster to protect Minha. The “what if” scenarios haunt her, fueling her sense of responsibility for the incident.

The weight of her guilt and the pain of losing Minha cause Kazuha to retreat into isolation. She withdraws from her usual bubbly and playful nature, finding it difficult to engage with others or find joy in everyday activities. Laughter becomes a rarity, replaced by a deep sadness that lingers within her.

Kazuha’s days are filled with a profound longing for Minha’s presence. She yearns for the comfort and love they shared, desperately wishing for a chance to hold Minha in her arms again.

The absence of Minha’s warmth and companionship leaves a void in Kazuha’s heart, aching with the emptiness of their separation.

In her isolation, Kazuha finds solace in memories of Minha. She clings to the moments they shared, the laughter they exchanged, and the love they expressed. These memories become both a source of comfort and a painful reminder of what she has lost.

Grief consumes Kazuha, enveloping her in a shroud of sadness. She mourns the loss of Minha, feeling the weight of her absence in every aspect of her life. The world feels dull and colorless without Minha’s vibrant presence, and Kazuha struggles to find meaning or purpose in her days.

Through her struggle, Kazuha learns to navigate the complex emotions of grief and guilt. She begins to understand that healing takes time and that it’s essential to allow herself to grieve and process her emotions.

With the support of her fellow members and the love she shared with Minha, Kazuha slowly starts to find moments of solace and acceptance, gradually learning to carry Minha’s memory in her heart while finding a way to move forward.



Kazuha sat alone in her room, her eyes filled with profound sadness. Whispers escaped her lips, carrying her longing for Minha. “Unnie... I miss you so much,” she murmured, her voice heavy with grief. “Losing you has left a void in my heart. I can’t help but blame myself for what happened.”


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