Chapter 13

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The girls are invited by a tv show, with Kim Gura and Jang Doyeon as the MC. As the girls wait for the show to start, there’s a mix of excitement and nervousness. They’re not sure what to expect from this program, but they’re ready to face whatever comes their way.

The show begins with the MCs, Kim Gura and Jang Doyeon, expressing their amazement at the group’s popularity.

“The popularity of the group compared to the debut era is unbelievable.” Doyeon’s words are filled with admiration, her smile proud as she acknowledges their success.

“It’s hard to believe that you guys are doing well despite so many issues at the early debut.” Gura, on the other hand, brings up the issues they faced during their early debut, his words catching the girls off guard.

Doyeon quickly steps in, steering the conversation back to a positive note. “Yes, but it makes you stronger. That’s why you guys come back with “ANTIFRAGILE” right?” she says, her words filled with understanding and empathy.

However, the girls are aware of Kim Gura’s reputation. They know he’s known for roasting his guests, for bringing up sensitive topics. They know he’s eager to discuss the rumors surrounding their ex-member, Garam.

Despite this, Minha remains calm and composed. As the leader, she’s been trained to handle such situations. She’s prepared for any questions, ready to protect and support her members.

“What do you say about this choreo? We saw behind the scenes of you guys practicing, and it was so hard for the members.”

Doyeon's question about the choreography brings a smile to Sakura’s face. She recalls their early dance lessons, the struggles they faced in getting the formation right. “Yes, it was hard at first,” she admits, her voice filled with honesty. “But as time went by, we found a method to solve everything. Now, it’s all muscle memory.”

They got scolded a lot during “ANTIFRAGILE” dance lessons.

However, the atmosphere shifts as Gura brings up the topic of their ex-member, Garam. “Speaking of muscle memory, is there any incident of making mistakes on stage? I mean, after losing 1 member, you guys must be in a hurry to change the choreo and re-record the song right?” his question about making mistakes on stage and changing the choreography is clearly intended to provoke a reaction.

But Minha remains calm, her voice steady as she answers. “Making mistakes is normal, especially during live performances,” she says. “But we didn't change the choreo. We just filled a few parts fairly. Yes, we have struggles, but we manage everything because we’re together.” answering questions professionally without even looking at the male MC who was glaring at her.

“So you mean, with 6 members now the line distribution is fair compared with 7 members?” Gura’s next question, about line distribution, is another attempt to provoke Minha. He’s hoping to catch her off guard, to make her lose control. This is not the first time he has done this.

If Minha loses control and says something or does something inappropriate in front of the camera, he will use this opportunity to ruin their reputation.

But Minha remains composed, her professionalism shining through.

Doyeon watches the exchange with concern, her eyes darting to the crew members. She’s hoping they’ll step in, stop the filming before things escalate. The PD is also on high alert, ready to intervene if necessary.

Despite the tension, Minha handles the situation with grace and poise. She doesn’t let Gura’s provocations get to her, her calm demeanor a testament to her strength and resilience.

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