Chapter 14

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The practice room, usually filled with energy and laughter, was eerily quiet. The members sat together, their hearts heavy with worry for Minha. They saw what happened to Minha but they couldn’t visit her. No update at all and 24 hours have passed.

“Sorry for asking you guys to come. I know everyone is worried, and I feel the same too. Let’s just wait for the update from your managers. Okay?” Soyeon PD’s words echoed in the room, her reassurances doing little to ease their anxiety.

“I just wanna tell you guys that your schedule for next week has been canceled. Japan schedules too.” the cancellation of their upcoming schedules was a small relief, but it did little to distract them from their concern for Minha.

Eunchae’s sudden outburst of tears was a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation. “It’s my fault... If only we didn’t change turns, none of this will happen,” she sobbed, her words sending a wave of sadness through the room.

The room seemed to hold its breath. Her words, filled with guilt and regret, hung in the air, adding to the heaviness of the atmosphere.

The members looked at her, their eyes filled with concern and empathy. They felt her pain, her guilt echoing their own feelings of helplessness and worry.

Soyeon PD’s comforting words and hugs were a source of comfort for Eunchae. “She will be fine, you guys know her right? She’s a strong person,” she reassured them, her own worry evident in her voice. She knew how close the members were to Minha, how much they cared for her.

But the room remained heavy with emotion. The members sat in silence, their minds filled with thoughts of Minha. The usually vibrant practice room felt empty and quiet, a stark contrast to its usual atmosphere.

The members were filled with a mix of emotions - worry, guilt, sadness. But amidst these feelings, there was also a sense of hope and determination.

They knew Minha was strong, and they believed in her ability to recover. They held onto this hope, supporting each other through this difficult time.


The news about Minha’s condition was a heavy blow to the members. Minha is in the hospital for 2 days still unconscious. The members were updated in detail about what had happened, and about Minha’s condition.

They were told that the chandelier was not hung properly and fell on Minha’s left side. The details of her injuries - the deep wound on her head, the cracked shoulder bone, the minor cuts on her arm - were hard to hear. The reality of the situation was sinking in, and it was more painful than they could have imagined.

Eunchae, in particular, was deeply affected by the news. She had been staying in Minha’s room since the accident, her heart heavy with guilt and worry.

Minha’s bed, usually a source of comfort, now served as a painful reminder of her absence.

Eunchae’s eyes, swollen from crying, reflected her deep sorrow. She blamed herself for the accident, her guilt consuming her. She spent her nights crying, her tears a testament to her deep regret and concern for Minha. Despite the heavy atmosphere, Eunchae found a small measure of comfort in being in Minha’s room. It was a place filled with memories of their leader, a place where she felt close to Minha. She held onto these memories, hoping for Minha’s speedy recovery.

Kazuha, usually so vibrant and cheerful, was struggling. The news about Minha had hit her hard, and she was finding it difficult to express her feelings. She kept her emotions to herself, her heart heavy with worry and sadness. She spent her nights crying silently, her tears a testament to her deep concern for Minha.

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