Chapter 58

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After bidding farewell to Yunjin’s family, the girls gathered their belongings and made their way to the airport. As they entered the airport, they were greeted by a sea of excited fans, eagerly awaiting their departure.

The girls were taken aback by the overwhelming support, but Minha, in her leader’s mode, stepped forward to ensure the safety of her members in the midst of the massive crowd.

Amidst the frenzy at the airport, the girls maintained their professionalism as idols, acknowledging their fans with smiles and waves.

Kazuha, with a twinkle in her eye, turned to the members and said, “Wow, it’s amazing to see how much love and support we have from FEARNOT.”

Sakura, her voice filled with gratitude, added, “FEARNOT mean the world to us, and we want to make sure they know how much we value their support.”

As they made their way through the airport, the girls received letters from their fans, each one filled with words of admiration and encouragement.

Eunchae, smiled and said, “These letters are so special. It’s amazing to see how much FEARNOT care about us.”

Chaewon, her eyes shining with appreciation, nodded in agreement. “Yes, these letters remind us of the impact we have on FEARNOTS’ lives. It’s a humbling experience, and it motivates us to work even harder to bring them joy through our music and performances.”

The girls continued to make their way through the airport, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead.

Minha, her voice filled with enthusiasm, turned to the group and said, “Albany has been incredible, and now we’re off to Los Angeles for new adventures. Let’s make this trip even more memorable for ourselves and FEARNOT!”

Yunjin, her eyes sparkling, added, “Absolutely, unnie! We’ve grown so much during our time in Albany, and now it’s time to take our energy and passion to the next level. I can’t wait to see what awaits us in Los Angeles.”

As they boarded the plane, the girls carried with them the memories they had created and the bonds they had formed during their vacation in Albany.

They knew that these experiences would forever hold a special place in their hearts, and they looked forward to the upcoming adventures in Los Angeles, knowing that they were embarking on a new chapter of their journey as a group.

Arriving in Los Angeles, the girls were filled with excitement as they made their way to their hotels.

Tomorrow was the highly anticipated NBA game, and they couldn’t wait to experience it together, supporting the Lakers team.


The next day, they eagerly attended the matchup between the LA Lakers and the LA Clippers, donning their customized Lakers jerseys.

The next day, they eagerly attended the matchup between the LA Lakers and the LA Clippers, donning their customized Lakers jerseys

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