Chapter 26

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As the sun-drenched park provided the backdrop for their picnic, Kazuha’s heart swelled with happiness. It was a precious moment, with her parents and the members of LE SSERAFIM gathered together, enjoying each other’s company.

Laughter and playful banter filled the air as they flew kites, each member of the group taking turns guiding the colorful creations through the sky.

Laughter and playful banter filled the air as they flew kites, each member of the group taking turns guiding the colorful creations through the sky

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However, Kazuha found herself sitting on the mat, a mix of emotions swirling within her.

Amidst the joyous atmosphere, Kazuha’s mother’s gentle voice called out to her, drawing her attention. “Zuha...” her tone filled with a gentle warmth that Kazuha had always found comforting.

“Yes, mom?” Kazuha replied, her voice soft and filled with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. She could see the love and concern in their eyes as they held each other’s hands, a united front.

“Can we talk about something? I think this is the right time. But, I just want us to have a very calm conversation, okay? Like always,” her mother’s words set the tone for what was to come—a calm and open conversation.

Kazuha nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She understood that her parents were referring to the article that had exposed her relationship with another girl. It was time for an open and honest discussion, and Kazuha steeled herself for what lay ahead. Taking a deep breath, Kazuha moved closer to her parents, her gaze fixed on the ground. She felt a sense of familiarity and comfort in her mother’s presence, recognizing the similarities between them.

Her mother’s calm demeanor mirrored her own, making it easier for Kazuha to share her truth. “I read the article. Can we know how long have you been keeping that from us?” her mother’s voice was calm, devoid of judgment or anger.

Kazuha’s voice quivered slightly as she started to explain, “It’s during ballet training. But it started when I was in the Netherlands. When I was broken, I had to either continue ballet or choose a different path.”

Her parents listened attentively, their expressions a mix of understanding and empathy.

Kazuha continued, her voice gaining strength, “I had a short-term relationship. After that, I chose to go to Korea. I wanted to forget the bad memories and concentrate on my new career.” her gaze remained fixed on her feet, her lips bitten nervously.

The silence hung in the air, and Kazuha’s heart raced as she awaited her parents’ response.

“That’s alright. We understand that. Aren’t emotions out of control sometimes?” in that moment, her father's gentle voice broke the silence, offering words of reassurance and understanding. He acknowledged that emotions can sometimes be overwhelming and difficult to navigate, emphasizing that their love for Kazuha was unwavering.

Her mother, holding Kazuha’s hand tightly, echoed his sentiment, emphasizing that her happiness was their priority.

They expressed their unconditional love and acceptance, assuring Kazuha that her smile was the source of their own happiness.

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