Chapter 70

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As the concert comes to an end, the backstage area is filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation. Family members of the group members have gathered, their faces beaming with pride and joy. The air is filled with laughter, hugs, and the sound of cameras capturing precious moments.

Minha stands amidst the celebration, a bittersweet feeling tugging at her heart. She watches as the other members embrace their family members, their smiles radiating with love and support. It's a familiar sight, one that stirs conflicting emotions within her.

Her gaze wanders to the familiar faces of her bandmates' families, and a pang of sadness washes over her. She knows her own family won't be among the crowd. The strained relationship with her gambling-addicted father has left a void in her heart, and she never anticipated their presence at such a significant event.

As she observes the interactions between her bandmates and their families, Minha's heart aches with a mix of happiness and longing. She is genuinely happy for her friends, knowing they deserve the love and support they are receiving. But deep down, she can't help but feel a twinge of envy and sadness, yearning for the same kind of affection.

The weight of her family issues weighs heavily on her mind, casting a shadow over the celebratory atmosphere. She knows that her bandmates are unaware of the struggles she faces with her father, and she wants to protect them from that knowledge. She believes they shouldn't have to bear the burden of her pain.

Feeling overwhelmed by the emotions swirling inside her, Minha slowly retreats from the bustling backstage area. She excuses herself quietly, seeking solace from the conflicting emotions that threaten to consume her. She knows that allowing herself to get too emotional in front of her bandmates would only dampen the celebratory mood.

In the solitude of a quiet corner, Minha takes a moment to collect herself. She takes deep breaths, trying to steady her racing heart. She reminds herself of her strength, her passion for music, and the unwavering support she receives from her bandmates.

She may not have her family there, but she knows she has a chosen family in her bandmates. Their love, understanding, and support are what truly matter to her. She may carry the weight of her family issues, but she also carries the resilience and determination to overcome them.

As Minha steps back onto the big stage, she feels a familiar mix of emotions wash over her. It's become a routine for her to return to the stage after the fans have left, a quiet moment of reflection and gratitude. She can't help but compare her past and present, recognizing the immense support she now has compared to when she started her career alone.

In a positive light, Minha acknowledges the incredible number of people who have stood by her throughout her journey. She feels grateful for the fans who have become her pillars of support, cheering her on and making her feel less alone. However, in the back of her mind, she also recognizes the inherent loneliness that comes with any individual journey in life.

She pushes those thoughts aside, reminding herself to focus on the present and the happiness she has found in her current life. Minha understands that her career will eventually come to an end, but she chooses to cherish every moment and enjoy the journey while it lasts.

As Minha walks through the empty seats, she takes a moment to reflect on the fans who occupied them during the concert. She wonders how much they paid for their seats, hoping that they found value and satisfaction in the performance. Minha genuinely cares about the fans and wants nothing more than for them to have enjoyed the concert. She sets her sights on improving and giving even better performances in the future.

Leaning back in one of the empty seats, Minha closes her eyes, taking a deep breath to clear her mind. However, her tranquility is interrupted by a voice coming through the microphone on the stage.

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