Chapter 91 (TW)

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains sensitive content related to physical assault.

The morning light filtered into the dorm, finding Yunjin awake with Chaewon sprawled on top of her. Their bodies were a testament to the exhaustion that had claimed them after the previous day's demanding schedule.

A soft chuckle escaped Yunjin's lips as she gently stroked Chaewon's back. "How did we get into this position?" she mused, her eyes taking in Chaewon's peaceful slumber.

Chaewon, with her lips puckered in sleep, looked irresistibly adorable. Yet, Yunjin was reminded of the fiery charisma Chaewon commanded on stage. Her blonde hair, a stark contrast to her soft features, made her look both cute and sexy.

Yunjin was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't notice Chaewon stirring awake.

"Why are you staring at me?" Chaewon's voice, still thick with sleep, interrupted Yunjin's train of thought.

Yunjin responded playfully, "Why? I can't even look at my own cutie sexy girlfriend?"

This had Chaewon chuckling as she rolled onto her back, now lying beside Yunjin.

"You're not looking, you're literally STARING at my face. Do you like me that much?" Chaewon asked, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Yunjin smiled warmly, "What do you mean like? We're more than that Kim Dodok-ssi. I love you, and staring at you probably one of my best routines every day."

The mention of "Kim Dodok" brought back memories of the Flame Rises Tour back in 2023, when Chaewon had stuttered during her 'Fire in the Belly' performance. It was a moment that had been immortalized as a meme amongst FEARNOT.

"Kim Dodok..." Chaewon laughed, recalling the incident.

Yunjin joined in the laughter.

"Kim Dodok is everywhere since that day, but it's okay. FEARNOT love it, and you love me." Chaewon responded by snuggling closer into Yunjin's chest.

"Kim Chaewon, Kim Dodok, Pupu or Ssamachi, I just love all of you. But, do you love all of me?" Yunjin asked, her tone serious.

Chaewon looked up at her, "You mean Jennifer Huh, Huh Yunjin, and Heodaengi? I'm madly in love with you, silly."

The room fell into a comfortable silence, the air slightly chilly but their shared warmth more than enough. Yunjin's next words, however, added a hint of tension. "But I wanna admit something actually. This happened a long time ago okay? I don't want you to misunderstand. Can you let me start and finish everything before you respond to it?" Yunjin asked, feeling Chaewon's nod against her chest.

After a few moments of silence, Yunjin began, her voice a soft whisper in the quiet room. "I used to be jealous seeing you with Minha unnie."

Chaewon's head shot up in surprise, her eyes wide as she gazed at Yunjin, but she remained silent, allowing Yunjin to continue. "I know right? But that's the truth."

Yunjin's voice was laced with a mix of nostalgia and regret as she delved into their past. "I know we met during the survival show back in 2018. But we weren't that close at that time. Seeing you again after 4 years... it sent me a whirlwind of mixed feelings. A part of me was elated to see you, but another part was holding me back. Because you debuted, started your career, and we never contacted each other ever since." Yunjin's fingers traced idle patterns on Chaewon's back as she spoke.

"When we started practicing together as S team, I noticed you were close with others, especially Minha unnie. I didn't have a hard time getting close with everyone, but your bond with unnie... it made me wonder if I could ever have the same chemistry with you. You were so close to unnie. I didn't want to admit that I was jealous, but as days turned into weeks, it became harder to deny." Yunjin's voice faltered, her words trailing off into a pout.

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