Chapter 23 (TW)

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains sensitive content related to physical assault.

In the waiting room, ShinAe sat with her head down, avoiding eye contact with Minha.

When Minha entered the room, her gaze fell upon the girl who had caused so much pain.

“You came...” ShinAe greeted Minha with a bitter smile, acknowledging her presence.

Minha, devoid of any expression, took a seat in front of ShinAe. “Is there anything you wanted to say? I thought we had agreed not to see each other again,” Minha stated, her tone devoid of warmth.

ShinAe’s voice trembled as she began to apologize. “I just want to apologize for what I did to Eunchae and Kazuha. It was unforgivable, not just to them, but to all the victims,” she confessed, her words filled with remorse.

Minha listened attentively, waiting for ShinAe to finish.

ShinAe continued, revealing her motivations for her actions. “I knew Eunchae before I joined your lessons. We trained together. The reason I attacked her that day was because I was angry. She was chosen to join HYBE when I was absent. I believed that the position should have been mine because I thought I was better than her. But when I found out that she was selected among us, I couldn’t accept it. I waited for the right time for revenge,” ShinAe explained, her voice filled with regret and shame.

Minha’s heart ached as she listened to ShinAe’s explanation. The realization that ShinAe’s actions stemmed from jealousy and a desire for personal gain left Minha deeply disappointed. She closed her eyes, struggling to comprehend how such a trivial reason could lead to the destruction of their friendship and ShinAe’s own career.

Minha found it difficult to relate to ShinAe’s distorted perspective. “I remember our friendship, ShinAe. I miss us. I miss everything about us. But I know I can’t turn back time. You’ve let me down,” Minha expressed, her voice tinged with disappointment.

ShinAe, still looking down, hid her face from Minha. “You said you would support me and wait for me to debut, but then all of this happened. What you said has become a reality. I can’t go back to the way things were,” ShinAe admitted, tears streaming down her cheeks, though she maintained a calm demeanor.

Minha’s emotions were in turmoil as she absorbed ShinAe’s words. She understood the weight of their shattered friendship and the missed opportunities that could have been.

Meeting ShinAe had been both a blessing and a curse, and now, facing the consequences of their actions, Minha struggled to comprehend the true nature of their friendship. She couldn’t find a way to reconcile the person she once knew with the one who had betrayed her by hurting her sister.

“Do you have any regrets for what you’ve done to me?” Minha asked, her voice strained as she bit her lip, awaiting ShinAe’s response.

ShinAe looked up, locking eyes with Minha. “I’m sorry, unnie,” she uttered, her words carrying a sense of finality.

There was nothing left to salvage in their friendship. What had been done could not be undone.

Minha couldn’t bring herself to accept the apology, not after the pain ShinAe had caused Eunchae and Kazuha.

“I’m sorry, unnie. I came here today... to end this,” ShinAe declared suddenly.

Minha was caught off guard, a split second too late to react as ShinAe threw a powerful punch at her face. ShinAe then straddled Minha on the floor, delivering blow after blow, fueled by anger and resentment. She knew about Minha’s previous injuries, targeting her left shoulder with a forceful stomp, causing Minha to cry out in pain.

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