Chapter 80

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The girls had finished their schedule in Tokyo and now heading to Osaka, Kazuha's hometown, for a two-day visit. The promotion of their song, 'Dress Code,' went smoothly, thanks to Imase for producing such a great song for them.

Kazuha is brimming with excitement to be back home, and the rest of the girls are equally thrilled to join her. They know that their time in Kazuha's place will be well spent, as her parents always welcome them with warmth and hospitality. It's no wonder they love visiting Osaka.

Upon their arrival at Kazuha's house, her parents greet them with bright smiles. Kazuha can't contain her joy and immediately rushes towards them, embracing her parents tightly. "I missed you!" she exclaims.

Her mother, Mrs. Nakamura, returns the hug, saying, "We missed you too, sweetheart."

Mr. Nakamura pats Kazuha's head affectionately and smiles warmly at the rest of the members. "Welcome home, everyone," he says, his voice filled with warmth. They invite the girls inside for a hearty meal.

Kazuha keeps her promise to Minha about missing her mom's cooking, and she eagerly indulges in the delicious food, surprising everyone with her appetite.

Minha, now accustomed to calling Mrs. Nakamura "mom," mentions how Kazuha had been talking about missing her mom's cooking. "Zuha told me she missed your cooking, mom."

Mrs. Nakamura chuckles, looking at Kazuha with a twinkle in her eyes. "I can see that," she says, her voice laced with affection.

"She kept mentioning it during our phone calls too."

Kazuha giggles, her mouth full of food, and nods in agreement. Mrs. Nakamura chuckles, enjoying the sight of her daughter relishing the meal.

Mr. Nakamura chimes in, "We have another one here," playfully pointing out Yunjin's hearty appetite as well, causing everyone to laugh.

"It's sooooooo good."

Yunjin and Kazuha exchange amused glances, their laughter filling the room. It's evident that they share a special bond when it comes to food. They playfully acknowledge Yunjin's love for the delicious meal, adding to the joyful atmosphere.

Kazuha's family has become like a second family to the girls, and any sense of awkwardness has long faded away, no matter how long it has been since they last met. The room fills with laughter as everyone enjoys the delicious food.

Sakura, sitting next to Mrs. Nakamura, shares her newfound hobby of crocheting. "Mrs. Nakamura, look what I've been working on," she says, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. She presents a beautifully crafted crocheted blanket, showcasing her skill and creativity.

Mrs. Nakamura's eyes widen in delight as she takes the blanket in her hands. "Oh, Sakura, this is absolutely stunning!" she exclaims. "You have such talent. I'm honored that you would share this with me."

Meanwhile, the other members gather on the comfortable couches in the living room, enjoying the afternoon rest together. The television plays in the background, filling the room with familiar voices and laughter. They exchange playful banter and share stories from their recent experiences, creating a lively and joyful atmosphere.

As the afternoon progresses, the room is filled with a sense of contentment and togetherness. The combination of delicious food, laughter, and shared hobbies creates a beautiful tapestry of memories.

The scene is filled with warmth, laughter, and the comforting feeling of being in a familiar place. The girls are grateful for the love and hospitality shown by Kazuha's parents, cherishing the moments they get to spend together as a family.

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