Chapter 82

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The news of Yunjin's improved condition and impending discharge brought immense joy to everyone. The girls eagerly gathered at the hospital, excited to see the vibrant and lively Yunjin back in action. They couldn't wait to return to Korea together, their hearts filled with a mix of gratitude and anticipation.

Despite the tragedy of the landslide, Yunjin couldn't help but reflect on the fun they had during their Japan schedule and the memorable short vacation at Kazuha's house. It was a reminder of the precious moments they shared amidst the challenges they faced.

Yunjin lay in bed at the hotel, engrossed in a book, the red scarf gifted to her by Sakura adorning her neck. Chaewon approached her with a glass of water, and Yunjin couldn't help but express her amusement. "I didn't ask for it, unnie. Why are you being so adorable?" Yunjin playfully remarked.

However, Chaewon's response took Yunjin by surprise, her serious tone causing a tinge of nervousness to creep in. "What did you call me?" Chaewon questioned, her arms crossed firmly over her chest. Her words carried an air of expectation, as she preferred to be called by cute nicknames.

Yunjin understood the underlying meaning behind Chaewon's words, and a mischievous smirk graced her lips. She pulled Chaewon closer, causing the girl to fall onto her lap. "What should I call you then? My girl? Cupcake? Sweetheart? How I wish I could publicly call you 'love'. I want to show everyone that Kim Chaewon is my girlfriend. I want them to know that you're mine," Yunjin whispered into Chaewon's ear, sending shivers down her spine. Chaewon couldn't help but gulp at the deep and alluring tone of Yunjin's voice, a sound she adored.

Yunjin enveloped Chaewon in her arms, her hands resting gently on her waist. "I want to show the world that you belong to me. But I know that I can't do that just yet. In a few years, I'm going to shout from the rooftops and tell people about how you came into my life," Yunjin declared, pulling Chaewon's chin to face her.

"Look at me, Kim Chaewon," Yunjin commanded, her voice still resonating with its deep timbre. Chaewon found herself captivated, her gaze locked onto Yunjin's mesmerizing brown eyes, feeling as if she were being drawn in.

Yunjin sought permission, her voice filled with desire. "May I kiss you?" she asked, and Chaewon felt as though she had been enchanted, unable to resist.

With a nod, their lips met in a slow yet passionate kiss. Chaewon could feel the depth of Yunjin's love with every touch, every movement.

"From today onwards, I won't call you 'unnie' unless we're talking with other people. Do you understand?" Yunjin stated after breaking the kiss.

Surprisingly, Chaewon found herself enamored by this dominant side of Yunjin, her confidence and assertiveness igniting a fire within her. It was a side of Yunjin that Chaewon cherished, one that complemented the playful aspects of her personality.

Yunjin pulled Chaewon in for another kiss, their bodies entwined, as they reveled in the warmth and intimacy of the moment. In each other's arms, they found solace, passion, and an unbreakable connection that would continue to flourish and grow.

Yunjin and Chaewon's intimate moment deepened as their passionate kiss continued. Their connection intensified, fueled by the overwhelming love and desire they felt for each other. The room filled with an electric energy as their lips moved in perfect harmony, their bodies pressing closer together.

Yunjin's dominant nature became more apparent, her confidence and assertiveness igniting a fire within Chaewon. Her touch was both gentle and commanding, conveying a sense of passion and longing. Their hands explored each other's bodies, tracing delicate paths and leaving a trail of warmth in their wake.

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