Chapter 77

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As the members of LE SSERAFIM returned to their busy schedules, Minha found herself caught in a storm she never anticipated. Rumors began to circulate, the articles of her father's gambling addiction and her infrequent visits home. The once-private struggles of her family were now thrust into the harsh spotlight of public scrutiny.

The weight of the rumors pressed heavily on Minha's shoulders, causing her heart to ache with anxiety and fear. She had always shielded her personal life from the public eye, especially her strained relationship with her father. Memories of their clashes during her high school years resurfaced, bringing back the pain and disappointment she had long buried.

As the whispers grew louder, Minha felt the pressure building, threatening to shatter the carefully crafted image she had built as a member of LE SSERAFIM. She knew she had to confront the rumors head-on, not only to protect her own reputation but also to shield her family from further harm.

Minha's footsteps echoed through the hallway as she walked past her brother, Minjun, and entered the house. The atmosphere in the living room was tense, with all the family members gathered, their eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

Her mother, Sohee, stood up from the couch, her face etched with worry lines. "Minha, you're finally here," she said, her voice trembling with a mixture of relief and concern.

Minha's father, Heejun, sat in silence, his eyes avoiding direct contact with his daughter.

Minha took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. She knew that this conversation would be difficult, but she couldn't ignore the rumors any longer. "I came home because I need to talk to all of you," she said, her voice filled with a mix of anger and disappointment. "I need to know how these rumors started and why they've become so widespread."

Heejun, who glared at her with anger in his eyes. "This is what happened when you became so distant," he sneered.

Minha looked back at him, her gaze unwavering. "Look at what your job has turned you into. You've changed, and not for the better. You never raised your voice at me before. But the last time you came home, you were so rude. That's not how I raised you."

"Raised me? Have you?" Her words carried a calm tone, but the underlying anger was palpable.

Heejun scoffed dismissively. "Look at you, speaking to me like that. I am your father, Kim Minha!" Heejun's voice rose with each word, his anger boiling over.

Minha remained composed, her voice still calm, but with a fiery anger hidden beneath the surface. "To be honest, I don't really care about the rumors. You can say whatever you want to the media. Because I can do the same thing too. I shouldn't have come here, as I thought I would gain nothing from it." Minha stood up, ready to leave.

"YOU'RE SO COLD. UNGRATEFUL CHILD. RUDE. I NEVER HAD A CHILD LIKE YOU!" Heejun's anger burst forth, his voice filled with rage.

Minha's mother, Sohee, couldn't bear to witness the heated exchange any longer. She interjected, her voice quivering with a mix of sadness and frustration. "Stop yelling at my daughter! She has changed because of you. We have all changed because of you. Why can't you realize that?" Sohee's eyes filled with tears as she released the pent-up stress she had been carrying. She had seen firsthand how Heejun treated Minha over the years, the lack of support and constant pressure he placed upon her.

"I've had enough, Heejun," Sohee sighed heavily, disappointment etched across her face as she turned to go upstairs. "I tried to tolerate your temper, your gambling addiction, and your alcohol addiction, hoping that you would change when our daughter left the house. But you never did. Not even once. We're all tired of it now." She walked away, leaving Heejun standing there, his anger replaced by a sense of emptiness.

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