Chapter 95

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As Minha and Kazuha prepared for their pastry date, they unexpectedly crossed paths with Chaewon near the front door. "Going somewhere?" Minha queried, her eyes scanning Chaewon's attire.

The blonde girl was dressed in a casual grey sweater and jogger pants, her hair tucked under a hat. "Visiting my mom. And I'll be playing with Shiro before our practice later," she replied, her voice echoing the excitement she felt at the thought of seeing her pet. "What about unnie and Zuha?" she asked, noticing their casual yet well-coordinated outfits, complete with hats and masks.

"Zuha has a craving for pastries, and we plan to go grocery shopping after that. Manchae requested homemade kimbab," Minha revealed, a hint of amusement in her voice.

At the mention of kimbab, Chaewon's eyes lit up like a child's on Christmas morning. "Can you save a few pieces for me, unnie?" she asked, her face morphing into an irresistible plea.

Minha let out a hearty laugh as they slipped into their shoes.

Kazuha, already at the front door, was growing impatient.

"Anything for you, pupu," Minha teased, winking at Chaewon as they left the house.

Chaewon's eyes followed Kazuha, who was walking briskly ahead. "What's up with her?" she asked Minha, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, if you ask me, she's a bit upset. Not really upset, but she's been whining about the two marks you saw this morning," Minha explained nonchalantly, leading Chaewon towards the parking basement.

Minha planned to drop Chaewon off at her family house, which was conveniently on their way.

"And she's embarrassed that you saw the marks," Minha added, suppressing a chuckle as Chaewon burst into laughter.

"I must admit, those marks did give me a shock. But I won't tease her about it, I'm not Yunjin," Chaewon assured, her eyes catching sight of another mark, this time on Minha's neck. "You guys are wild, unnie. Be careful!" she cautioned, shaking her head in disbelief. She found the situation amusing but didn't want others to notice the marks.

"That's love. We're just too passionate sometimes," Minha responded, giggling as they reached the car.

They slid into the car, fastened their seatbelts, and Minha started the engine. "You and Jen will reach that stage too one day. It will come, slowly but surely," Minha predicted, smirking at Chaewon's reflection in the rearview mirror.

Unbeknownst to Minha, Purinz had already crossed that stage, but Chaewon maintained a clueless facade.

After bidding Chaewon goodbye at her family house, Minha and Kazuha set their sights on the pastry shop. "Did you check the menu? Like, what's on the bestsellers and recommended?" Minha inquired, glancing towards Kazuha who was engrossed in scrolling through images from the shop on her phone.

"Yes, I found what I want. But I'm sure we'll end up buying more," Kazuha replied, her eyes sparkling at the thought of savoring her favorite cheese bread.

"Anything you want, princess," Minha responded, reaching across to intertwine her fingers with Kazuha's.

Upon their arrival, the tantalizing aroma wafting from the shop was like an olfactory symphony, pure heaven to their senses. As Minha and Kazuha stepped inside, their eyes darted around, taking in the visual feast of assorted pastries displayed in the aisle showcase.

Their stomachs growled in anticipation. "I know you can't wait. Go ahead, baby, pick whatever you want," Minha encouraged, handing a tray to her visibly excited girlfriend. To Kazuha, pastries were more than just food; they were a daily indulgence she couldn't resist.

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