Chapter 96

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The next day, the girls gathered at the gym on the 17th floor, all dressed in their workout outfits. They had finished their morning schedule and decided to visit the gym, where Jade was waiting for them.

"Jade will be our coach today," Minha announced as she took off her Stussy sweater.

Yunjin shook her head in disbelief, exclaiming, "Jade unnie is so buff. Her arms and abs? I feel so weak in comparison."

Minha laughed, saying, "She's on another level. It's not easy to reach her level of fitness. She's truly amazing."

Jade approached them with a smile, asking, "Are you guys ready?" She then took off her shirt, revealing her toned physique, and the members were shocked. Even Minha, who was her best friend, hadn't realized just how muscular Jade was.

"Wow... look at those abs," Chaewon exclaimed, her eyes filled with admiration. As an abs lover, she couldn't take her eyes off Jade.

Eunchae approached and innocently poked Jade's well-defined abs. "Your abs look like buns from the bakery," she remarked, poking them repeatedly, causing Jade to burst into laughter.

"You must be hungry, aren't you?" Jade playfully ruffled Eunchae's hair and adjusted her headband.

"What kind of workout are we going to do?" Kazuha asked, her interest piqued as she was a gym enthusiast.

"Yeah, Zuha might be curious, but I'm a little nervous here because I don't enjoy working out. I'm only here because Manchae forced me," Sakura confessed, as she and workouts didn't usually get along. Strangely, Sakura had killer abs despite her aversion to exercise.

"Someone who doesn't like working out has abs, and here I am, working out almost every day, yet unable to achieve abs like everyone else. Life is unfair," Yunjin lamented, shaking her head with mock tears.

Jade and Minha exchanged glances before bursting into laughter. "Abs aren't everything," Minha began, but Yunjin cut her off.

"Yeah, I know. As long as I'm healthy. But what can I say? Abs are just so cool," Yunjin pouted, rubbing her flat tummy. Sometimes she had visible abs, but only when she was in top condition.

Even Kazuha, who naturally had abs, never skipped her workouts because she cared more about them than her own face.

"Alright, listen up. Today's workout is easy. We'll be doing push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, shuttle runs, and switch steps. You've done these before, but I know you haven't had much time recently. So for today, and just today, let's focus on our abs and go all out," Jade explained, her voice projecting with authority. The members' jaws dropped in response, except for Minha and Kazuha.

"I can already see myself passing out once we leave this gym," Sakura muttered, facepalming herself as they assumed their positions.

"For push-ups, try to do 40 reps in 3 minutes," Jade instructed with her commanding voice.

Eunchae felt a shiver of anxiety run through her. Like Sakura, she didn't particularly enjoy working out.

"A little lower!" Jade called out to Eunchae, adopting her coach mode.

Minha, in her push-up position, looked up at her girlfriend.

"I'm about to beat your record," Kazuha declared, her determination shining through.

Minha smirked in response, saying, "Just be careful. The loser buys ice cream for the winner. Deal?" Minha proposed a playful bet, and Kazuha nodded in agreement.

Throughout the push-up session, the gym was filled with yelling and grunting noises from the girls, except for Minha and Kazuha, who were challenging themselves to win.

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