Chapter 76

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Yunjin spends countless hours in the vocal room, pouring her heart and soul into her lyrics. It becomes her sanctuary, a place where she can freely express her hidden emotions without the fear of judgment. The melodies she creates become a reflection of her unspoken love for Chaewon.

As she writes, Yunjin finds solace in the music, allowing her feelings to flow through the words she carefully crafts. Each lyric becomes a heartfelt confession, a secret message only she knows the true meaning behind. The melodies she composes carry the weight of her emotions, capturing the depth of her affection for Chaewon.

The vocal room becomes a haven for Yunjin, a space where she can confront her feelings and find the strength to continue keeping them hidden. It becomes her refuge, a place where she can pour all her unspoken love into her music.

But as time goes on, the weight of her hidden emotions becomes heavier. Yunjin longs for the courage to confess her feelings to Chaewon, to lay bare her heart and hope for reciprocation. Yet, the fear of rejection and the potential consequences weigh heavily on her mind.

As Yunjin's schedule becomes busier, she uses it as an excuse to avoid meeting Chaewon. She convinces herself that distancing herself from Chaewon is for the best, as it allows her to focus on her music and find solace in her writing. Yunjin believes that keeping her distance will help her calm her mind and sort out her feelings.

The rest of the girls gathered at the practice room, their exhaustion evident from their almost 24-hour workdays. They had become workaholics, fully dedicated to their craft. As they settled in, the manager arrived with their usual lunch.

Eunchae took the food packaging one by one, but something caught her attention. "Oppa, only five? Did you forget Yunjin unnie?" The maknae's observant eyes noticed the absence of Yunjin's meal.

The manager responded, "Oh, she didn't order food." The members exchanged concerned glances, knowing that Yunjin rarely skipped a meal.

Minha, always the caring one, reassured the group, "It's okay. Let's eat first. Yunjin must be busy. We know how she always gets engrossed with writing."

Sakura chimed in, her worry evident in her voice, "She's been getting busier since we came back from vacation. I hope she can take care of herself too. Her hand is not fully recovered yet."

Minha nodded in agreement, her concern mirrored in her eyes. "I did text her a few days ago, reminding her about her hand. But it's okay, I'll see her later."

With a collective sigh, the girls decided to proceed with their group lunch, though the absence of Yunjin lingered in their thoughts.

Eunchae is pouting and she couldn't help but voice her thoughts, "Yunjin unnie is slowly becoming you, unnie. Always busy,"

Sakura laugh nervously, looking at the leader and the maknae, "Don't say that, Manchae."

"It's okay, our clingy maknae just wants to be together all the time. Isn't that cute?" Minha's lips curved into a smile, appreciating Eunchae's affectionate nature. She patted the maknae's head gently, knowing how much Eunchae cherished their moments together.

Kazuha, always observant, brought up a different topic, "I heard Kirsh sent a lot of new clothes. Must be nice!"

Eunchae's eyes widened, excitement filling her voice, "Oh my god, I received a whole package from them. Enough for me to wear for a year!"

Sakura expressed her surprise, "That's a lot, wow! Kirsh really suits you. I'm so happy they chose you, Manchae."

Minha took a sip of her ice americano, her gaze shifting towards Chaewon. She couldn't help but notice Chaewon's silence and wondered what thoughts were going through her mind.

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