Chapter 79

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Both Minha and Kazuha gather their belongings and make their way to the car, ready to leave Hybe behind. Kazuha is left speechless after witnessing the intense confrontation between Minha and her father. She watches as Minha expresses her emotions while trying to control her anger, knowing how difficult that must be.

In the car, Minha remains silent, but there is no tension in her demeanor. She turns to her right and moves closer to Kazuha, instinctively reaching over to pull the seatbelt for her. It's a small gesture, but it speaks volumes of Minha's love for her girlfriend.

As Minha secures the seatbelt, Kazuha immediately wraps her arms around Minha, embracing her tightly. She wants to provide comfort and support after everything that has transpired.

"Zuha?" Minha asks, confused by the sudden hug.

Kazuha rests her chin on Minha's shoulder and gently pats her back. "I just feel like hugging you," Kazuha explains.

Minha smiles, appreciating Kazuha's gesture. She feels guilty that Kazuha had to witness the confrontation with her father, but she also wants to leave it behind and move forward. "Please hold me. I need it so much," Minha requests, pulling Kazuha even closer.

With a nod, Kazuha tightens the hug, providing Minha with the warmest embrace. "I love you so much. I hope nothing can make you sad or suffer again. You're one of the strongest people I've ever known, and I love you for that," Kazuha whispers to her girlfriend.

Minha doesn't say anything in response. She simply wants to cherish the moment, finding solace in the comforting embrace. Their hug serves as a source of strength and healing for both of them. In the silence of the car, they can hear their hearts beating in unison. They make a promise to each other to stay by each other's side no matter what happens, knowing that nothing can ever separate them.


Chaewon arrives home after visiting her family and finds Yunjin peacefully asleep in bed, book in hand. It's evident that Yunjin was reading before dozing off, as her pen remains gripped between her fingers. Chaewon finds something irresistibly alluring about Yunjin reading, wearing her glasses, and jotting down notes. She can't quite explain it, but she loves seeing Yunjin so focused. Despite Yunjin's playful nature, Chaewon adores her as a hot American girl.

A chuckle escapes Chaewon's lips as she observes Yunjin sleeping. "You look so adorable when you sleep," Chaewon playfully pokes Yunjin's nose, slightly disturbing her slumber. She then plants a gentle kiss on Yunjin's forehead before heading to the closet to change her clothes and freshen up.

Once she finishes her routine, Chaewon sits on the edge of the bed with her hand cream. It's a regular part of her skincare routine, as her skin tends to be dry. However, she is taken by surprise when a strong hand pulls her from behind.

Chaewon almost screams, but her voice is silenced by warm lips. Yunjin breaks the kiss and smiles. "I love you," Yunjin says, causing Chaewon to chuckle at the unexpected display of affection.

"I love you too, JenJen. Did I wake you up?" Chaewon asks as she continues to lie in Yunjin's lap.

"Nope. I missed your warm hugs. I fell asleep while waiting for you. Are you done with your night routine? Can we cuddle now?" Yunjin asks cutely.

Chaewon puts away the hand cream and reaches for Yunjin's arm, reveling in each other's warmth.

"I still can't believe you're mine, Kim Chaewon, unnie," Yunjin whispers.

Chaewon bursts into laughter. "After those kisses?" Chaewon asks, and they laugh together, basking in the joy of their love.


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