Chapter 28

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Back in Tokyo, the girls were in the final stretch of their schedule, doing interviews together.

Kazuha had been avoiding Minha since the previous night, their lack of communication weighing heavily on both of them.

However, Kazuha couldn’t help but steal glances at Minha when she thought no one was looking, her heart yearning for their connection.

As the interview came to an end, the PD announced the cuts, “Okay....cuts! Thank you for your hard work.” expressing gratitude for their hard work.

The girls bowed politely to the crew, their professionalism shining through despite the underlying tension.

With the schedule completed, the manager informed them, “We’re going back to Korea in an hour.”

They quickly changed their clothes and made their way to the airport. The two-hour flight passed by in a blur, with the girls barely getting any rest as they tried to soothe their tired eyes.

 The two-hour flight passed by in a blur, with the girls barely getting any rest as they tried to soothe their tired eyes

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Upon arrival at the airport, they were greeted by a sea of fans and online media. Excitement filled the air as news of their upcoming Asia Tour had been released the day before, generating a buzz of anticipation for their concerts.

The security team was on high alert, as the crowd surged forward, pushing and jostling to catch a glimpse of their favorite idols.

The girls remained cautious, but they continued to smile and wave at their fans, their gratitude shining through.

Amidst the chaos, Minha’s protective instincts kicked in. She noticed a guy walking next to them, reaching out as if to touch Kazuha. Without hesitation, Minha pulled Kazuha closer, creating a barrier of safety between her and the approaching fan. She held onto Kazuha tightly, ensuring her member’s well-being.

The security team had to use force to push some people away, urging everyone to avoid pushing and maintain order.

Eventually, they made their way past the entrance gate, and the girls quickly got into the waiting car, ready to retreat to the safety of their dorm.

As they drove away from the airport, the tension from the chaotic scene began to dissipate.

Minha’s protective grip on Kazuha loosened, but she still kept a watchful eye on her member, ensuring her comfort and safety.

Arriving at the dorm, the manager informed them that they needed to pack their belongings, as they were moving to a new house that day.

Minha had already shared the news with the girls the day before, and they were excited about the change.

The prospect of a new home brought a sense of freshness and anticipation, a new chapter in their journey together.

As they gathered their belongings and prepared for the move, the girls couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and unity. Despite the challenges they had faced, their bond remained strong, and they knew that they could rely on one another for support and comfort. With their bags packed and their spirits high, the girls embarked on their journey to their new house.

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