Chapter 72

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The room where Minha and Kazuha wake up is cozy and filled with warm morning light. The walls are painted a soft pastel color, giving the room a calming atmosphere. The curtains are drawn halfway, allowing a gentle stream of sunlight to filter in. There's a bookshelf against one wall, filled with books. On the bedside table, there's a small vase with fresh flowers, adding a touch of nature to the space.

As Minha stretches her body, her eyes scan the room, taking in the familiar surroundings. She feels a sense of comfort and contentment, knowing she's in a good place for vacation. The sight of Kazuha clinging onto her like a koala brings a smile to Minha's face, her heart filled with affection for her girlfriend.

Minha chuckles softly as she caresses Kazuha's hair, which carries the pleasant scent of Lador. Kazuha's steady breathing acts as a lullaby, creating a peaceful ambiance in the room.

However, as Minha glances at the time, she realizes it's already passed 8 am, and she needs to get up and prepare breakfast.

With a gentle pat on Kazuha's back, Minha tries to wake her up. "Zuha~ Zuha?" she calls out, her voice filled with warmth. "I want to go shower and prepare for breakfast." Minha gently pulls Kazuha's hand, hoping she'll let go and allow Minha to get up.

But as expected, Kazuha pushes Minha's hand away and snuggles closer, not willing to let go.

Minha adores Kazuha's clingy nature, but she knows she has responsibilities. She needs to cook for the other members before they wake up. With a mixture of affection and determination, Minha decides to take a different approach.

She playfully pushed and climbs on top of Kazuha, a mischievous smile on her face. "I need to shower and cook. You can go back to sleep or join me. It's up to you, Kang Juha," she says, pecking Kazuha's forehead before leaving for the bathroom.

Kazuha blinks nervously, feeling a rush of emotions as she realizes Minha was on top of her. She quickly covers herself with the blanket, blushing furiously. "Oh my god, oh my god! You must be crazy, Kazuha," she scolds herself, closing her eyes tightly.

Embarrassed by her own thoughts, she slaps herself lightly. "What are you thinking?" she mutters, her face still flushed. Kazuha takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself and push away any lingering impure thoughts.

She pushes the blanket away, revealing her flushed face and pouting lips. Determined to start the day afresh, she reminds herself that she's not a pervert and that her feelings for Minha are genuine and pure. Kazuha is ready to face the day, even if her mind occasionally wanders back to the intimate position they were in earlier.

Kazuha's mouth gaps open in shock as she sees Minha standing in front of her, smirking. "Are you sure you're not a pervert?" Minha teases with a playful tone.

Kazuha, too engrossed in her earlier imagination, didn't even hear Minha come out of the bathroom, with only a towel covering her body.

Minha's question makes Kazuha nervous, a mix of embarrassment and fear washing over her. "What were you thinking about me? Were you imagining me kissing you? Or... something more than that?" Minha moves closer to the bed, still smirking.

Kazuha, with her messy hair, gulps nervously. She doesn't know what to do. Part of her wants to run away, but she also wants to stay. If she runs, Minha will surely laugh and continue teasing her for the rest of the day. She knows how playful Minha can be. They've been together for a few years now, so Kazuha knows Minha well.

But if she stays in bed, what will Minha do to her? So many thoughts race through her mind all at once.

Minha tilts her head, looking confused at Kazuha's spaced-out expression. She had only intended to tease Kazuha as usual, but Kazuha seems to be lost in her thoughts for too long.

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