Chapter 21

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The girls are having personal lessons in HYBE in different rooms, and Yunjin is the first one to leave the room. She wants to have a private vocal session with only herself. She walked on the corridor before bumping to the leader.

“Hey Jen. You finished your lesson?” Minha asked, closing the door behind her.

Yunjin nodded, a smile on her face. She was carrying a brand new guitar on her back, which caught Minha’s attention.

“Wow, nice guitar. You’re preparing for that song? The one you’ve told me about before,” Minha said, her curiosity piqued.

Yunjin’s eyes lit up as she replied, “Yes, unnie! I’ve been working really hard on it. It’s about to be finished.”

Both Yunjin and Minha shared a passion for songwriting, often exchanging ideas and supporting each other’s musical endeavors. They had become close through their shared love for music.

Minha nodded, impressed.

“What about yours, unnie? How is your solo song for FEARNOT coming along?” Yunjin asked, genuinely interested.

Minha grinned and replied, “I’m actually done with everything. The recording is in 3/4 days if I’m not mistaken. But I’m not sure when to release it. I want to find the right timing.”

As they walked together down the empty corridor, Yunjin nodded in understanding.

“Timing is important, especially when it comes to releasing music. You want to make sure it reaches the right audience and makes the biggest impact,” Minha added.

Yunjin looked at Minha with admiration. “FEARNOT must be excited about your next song, unnie. The first song was such a bop. I even watched the music video again last night,” she said, unable to contain her excitement.

Minha chuckled at Yunjin’s enthusiasm. “Thank you for the kind words, Jen. I appreciate it. But as much as they’re waiting for my next song, I’m very sure they will be pleasantly surprised by yours.” Minha heard the intro even before Yunjin finished writing the lyric.

“You showed me the intro, and I already loved it. I have no doubt that they will have an even better reaction when you release it. You’re incredibly talented,” Minha said, her words filled with genuine support.

Yunjin blushed at the compliment, feeling even more motivated to continue working on her song. “Thank you, unnie. Your support means a lot to me. I can’t wait to share it with everyone,” she said, her voice filled with excitement and determination.

As they continued their conversation, Yunjin and Minha discussed their creative processes, exchanged ideas, and encouraged each other to keep pushing the boundaries of their musical abilities. Their friendship and shared passion for music made their journey as artists even more fulfilling.

Minha’s phone vibrated twice, indicating an incoming call. She quickly glanced at the screen and saw that it was her manager calling. “Alright, you go first. I’ll see you at lunchtime, okay? Hwaiting!” Minha said goodbye to Yunjin and they went their separate ways.

As Minha walked inside the studio, she answered the call, “Yes, oppa.”

Her manager's urgent tone caught her attention. “Minha, where are you? Can you help me?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Minha closed the door to the studio and sat down in front of the computer.

“Kazuha didn’t attend her private Korean lesson this morning. Can you find her for me? I’ve got some work outside. Please update me if there is anything,” her manager explained before ending the call.

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