Chapter 94

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Minha and Sakura arrived back at the dorm around 12 am, their faces beaming with happiness. Sakura couldn't contain her excitement as she expressed her gratitude to Minha, "Unnie, thank you so much for today. I had the most amazing time!" Her eyes were filled with pure joy, the experience at the cherry blossom festival having left a lasting impression on her. Sakura felt an undeniable connection to the delicate flowers, and being able to immerse herself in their beauty was a dream come true.

Minha's laughter filled the air as she responded, "I had a blast too! Watching you embrace the crowd and fully enjoy yourself was such a delight." She admired Sakura's ability to find happiness amidst the bustling atmosphere of the festival. Together, they entered the dorm, their shared happiness still evident on their faces.

However, before Sakura could step into her room, Minha stopped her. "Kkura, wait a moment," Minha said, her voice filled with anticipation. She handed Sakura a paper bag, causing Sakura to look at it in confusion.

"For me? What is this?" Sakura wondered, assuming that Minha had bought it for Kazuha. She accepted the bag from Minha's hand, still perplexed by the unexpected surprise.

Minha smiled warmly at Sakura, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "You can open it later. As for Eunchae's gift, I'll be giving it to her soon, so please don't mention anything to her, okay?" Minha requested, her voice filled with a sense of secrecy.

With a gentle pat on Sakura's head, Minha bid her goodnight and retreated into her room, leaving Sakura standing there with the paper bag in her hands.

As Minha entered her room, she noticed Kazuha sitting on the chair, engrossed in writing her journal. Kazuha had her AirPods on, which explained why she hadn't noticed Minha's arrival. Minha gently placed the small gift she had bought for Eunchae on the nightstand, intending to give it to her soon. She took off her New York Yankees hat and approached Kazuha from behind, bending slightly to wrap her arms around her girlfriend.

Resting her chin on Kazuha's shoulder, Minha's presence surprised the young girl, but Kazuha immediately calmed down as she recognized Minha's comforting scent.

"You're home..." Kazuha closed her journal and stood up from her seat, returning the hug.

"Yes, I'm home. Did you wait for me? You rarely write in your journal this late," Minha asked, their bodies swaying gently in rhythm. The embrace felt incredibly comfortable, as if they hadn't hugged each other in a while. Kazuha buried her face in Minha's neck, relishing in the warmth of the hug.

Minha let out a soft sigh, closing her eyes. "Let's stay like this for a while. Let me savor this moment..." Minha whispered, a hint of sadness tugging at the corners of her smile. Both of them were aware that the fan meeting was approaching, and Minha's departure was imminent.

Kazuha wrapped her arms around Minha's back, holding her tightly. "I love you so much..." Kazuha's voice carried a touch of melancholy.

Minha gently pressed a kiss on Kazuha's temple, whispering, "I love you so much more, Zuha..."

They remained in each other's embrace for about five minutes, cherishing the closeness and comfort they shared. Eventually, Minha broke the hug but cupped Kazuha's cheeks in her hands. She admired the beauty of her girlfriend before leaning in for a kiss. Naturally, Kazuha closed her eyes, and their lips met in a sweet and passionate embrace. The kiss lingered for a beautiful moment, their love and affection flowing between them, until they finally pulled back to catch their breath. They gazed into each other's eyes, their unspoken words speaking volumes about the depth of their love.

After Minha took a quick shower, Kazuha continued finishing her journal for the day. She no longer needed her AirPods as she enjoyed the sound of Minha's humming coming from the bathroom. The unfamiliar melody intrigued her, and she turned around, trying to catch the tune.

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