Chapter 15

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As the morning sun streamed through the windows of the practice room, the members of LE SSERAFIM gathered around Chaewon, their eyes focused on her. She stood at the front, her posture straight and her expression serious. She is their leader in Minha’s absence, and she is taking the role seriously.

 She is their leader in Minha’s absence, and she is taking the role seriously

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“We won’t change the choreo,” she began, her voice steady and clear. She looked at each member of the dance team in turn, making sure she had their full attention. “We’ll leave an empty space as we sing Minha unnie’s part. It’s what feels right for us, and it’s a way for us to show our support for her.”

The dance team nodded in understanding, their faces reflecting their respect for Chaewon’s decision.

One of the crew members, a tall woman with glasses, raised her hand. “Are you sure about this, Chaewon-ssi? It might look a bit odd to the audience.”

Chaewon nodded, her expression unwavering. “We’ve thought about it, and we believe it’s the right thing to do. Minha unnie is a part of us, and we want to honor her in our performance.”

Behind her, the members of LE SSERAFIM listened quietly, their hearts filled with a mix of emotions. They missed Minha, missed her laughter and her energy. But they also respected Chaewon’s decision, and understood the sentiment behind it.

As the briefing continued, the members found themselves feeling a renewed sense of determination. They were going to give their best in the upcoming fan meeting, not just for their fans, but also for Minha. And with Chaewon leading them, they knew they could do it.

At that time, Minha was already in the HYBE with Soyeon PD, walking through the corridors of HYBE, their footsteps echoed in the quiet hallways. Minha was still recovering from her injuries, but her spirit was as strong as ever.

“You should be staying at home, Minha. What are you doing here?” Soyeon PD asked, her tone filled with concern.

“I’m bored. You know me right?” Minha replied, a playful glint in her eyes. She was trying to lighten the mood, to remind Soyeon PD of the old days when she was just a trainee.

Soyeon PD couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Yeah, I remember. You came to the practice room even when you hurt your ankle. You’re stubborn, Minha.”

As they arrived at the practice room, Soyeon PD opened the door for Minha. The room was spacious and well-lit, the mirrors reflecting their images back at them. This was a place where Minha had spent countless hours, practicing and perfecting her dance moves. It was a place that held many memories for her.

Seeing Minha’s eyes light up at the sight of the practice room, Soyeon PD felt a pang of sympathy. She knew how much Minha loved performing, how much she missed being on stage.

“That’s why I allow you to come here whenever you want,” she said, her voice soft but firm. “I know you want to perform on stage, so come here and practice with me. Just give me a call, and I’ll come pick you up.”

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