Chapter 64

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As the first light of dawn peeked through the windows, everyone was in deep slumber, their tired bodies seeking rest after the previous night's worries.

Everyone, that is, except for Eunchae. She was up early, getting ready for her morning schedule. She moved around the room quietly, careful not to disturb her roommate, Sakura, who was still fast asleep.

As Eunchae turned to leave the room, her eyes landed on a figure in the living room. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized Minha, their leader, sleeping on the couch. She gasped, almost dropping her bag in surprise. She hadn't expected to find Minha there, especially not after the worry-filled night they had all experienced.

Eunchae approached Minha slowly, her eyes taking in the sight of their usually strong leader in such a vulnerable state. Even in her sleep, Minha looked troubled. Her eyebrows were furrowed, as if she was wrestling with her thoughts even in her dreams. It was a sight that tugged at Eunchae's heart, making her worry for Minha even more.

Her gaze then fell on the table, where a few empty beer cans lay. Eunchae knew Minha wasn't one to drink, which made the sight of the empty cans even more alarming. She realized that Minha must be going through something significant, something that had pushed her to seek solace in solitude and alcohol.

Eunchae felt a pang of worry but also understood that she couldn't just confront Minha about it. She decided to share the situation with Sakura. She went back to her room and gently woke Sakura up, informing her about Minha in the living room.

With a heavy heart and a mind full of worries, Eunchae took one last look at Minha before heading towards the front door.

As she stepped out, she made a promise to herself - she would be there for Minha, their beloved leader, as soon as she was done with her schedule.

After Eunchae informed Sakura about Minha's condition, Sakura's heart sank. She quickly got out of bed and made her way to the living room, wanting to see for herself.

As she entered the room, her eyes fell upon the empty beer cans, confirming Eunchae's words. It was a sight that filled Sakura with sadness, seeing Minha resorting to alcohol as a means of coping.

Determined to help Minha feel better, Sakura decided to prepare a warm broth for her. She knew that the broth might help alleviate any potential headache or discomfort that Minha could experience upon waking up. With a heavy heart, Sakura made her way to the kitchen and began gathering the ingredients for the broth.

As the broth simmered on the stove, filling the kitchen with its comforting aroma, Sakura decided not to wake up the other members. She knew they had all stayed up late the previous night, waiting for Minha's return. Sakura wanted them to get the rest they needed, understanding that they would be there for Minha when she woke up.

While waiting for the broth to cook, Sakura took the opportunity to go back to her room and freshen up. She took a quick shower, hoping that the brief moment of self-care would help clear her mind and provide her with the strength she needed to support Minha.

Once she was ready, Sakura returned to the living room. She saw that Minha was still sleeping peacefully on the couch. With gentle hands and a soft expression, Sakura began clearing the table, making sure to remove any evidence of Minha's condition. She didn't want the other members to see Minha in this vulnerable state, wanting to protect her dignity and privacy.

As Sakura continued to tidy up, she couldn't help but feel a mix of worry and determination. She knew that Minha needed their support now more than ever, and she was willing to do whatever it took to help her through this difficult time.

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