Chapter 78

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As Minha arrived home at 1 am, she entered the living room quietly, careful not to disturb the peaceful atmosphere. The room was dimly lit by the glow of the TV, casting a soft light on the surroundings. Minha's heart filled with warmth and affection as she saw Kazuha lying on the couch, fast asleep. Jade was right, Kazuha is waiting for Minha everyday.

With a silent chuckle, Minha approached the couch, admiring Kazuha's serene expression. She couldn't resist the urge to show her affection. Gently, she lifted Kazuha into her arms, cradling her carefully. Kazuha stirred slightly, sensing the movement but still deep in sleep.

Minha carried Kazuha tenderly, making her way to their room. With each step, Minha's love for Kazuha grew stronger, and she couldn't help but shower her girlfriend with gentle kisses along the way. She wanted to express her gratitude and love, even in the quietness of the night.

As Minha reached their room, she gently laid Kazuha down on the bed, ensuring her comfort. Kazuha started to stir, slowly waking up, her senses becoming aware of the shower of kisses she was receiving.

Kazuha blinked her eyes open, her gaze meeting Minha's loving and adoring eyes. A soft smile formed on her lips as she realized what had happened. She felt a wave of warmth and affection wash over her, knowing that Minha had carried her to bed and showered her with kisses.

"Unnie," Kazuha whispered, her voice filled with love and gratitude.

Minha leaned in closer, her eyes sparkling with affection. "I wanted to show you how much I appreciate your love and support, Zuha. You've been there for me, waiting up late every night. I'm so grateful to have you in my life," Minha expressed, her voice filled with sincerity.

Kazuha reached out, gently caressing Minha's cheek. "And I'm grateful to have you too, unnie. You're my rock, and I'll always be here for you," Kazuha replied, her voice filled with love and devotion.

As Minha and Kazuha reunited in the room, the atmosphere was filled with a palpable sense of anticipation and longing. The air seemed to hold an electric charge, as if it crackled with the intensity of their emotions. Soft lighting cast a warm glow, creating an intimate and cozy ambiance that enveloped them.

The room seemed to embrace their presence, as if it had been eagerly awaiting their reunion. The walls, adorned with memories and photographs, served as a testament to the love and connection they shared. The familiar scent of their shared space mingled with the sweet fragrance of a scented candle, creating a soothing and comforting environment.

Subtle music played in the background, its gentle melodies adding to the ambiance, creating a soundtrack to their reunion. The soft notes seemed to echo the rhythm of their hearts, a gentle reminder of the love that pulsed between them.

As their eyes locked in a tender gaze, the room seemed to hold its breath, as if time stood still. The silence was filled with unspoken words, a language only they could understand. It was a moment that transcended words, where their hearts spoke volumes, and the connection between them felt almost tangible.

In that moment, the room transformed into a sanctuary, a sacred space where their love could flourish and bloom. It cocooned them, shielding them from the outside world, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the depth of their emotions.

The atmosphere in the room was charged with a mix of excitement, vulnerability, and a profound sense of belonging. It was a space where they could let go of their worries and fears, where they could be their authentic selves without judgment or reservation.

In this intimate setting, the room became a reflection of their love, a sanctuary where their souls could intertwine and find solace. It was a place where time seemed to stand still, allowing them to savor every moment of their reunion and cherish the connection they had missed so deeply.

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