Chapter 20

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With a loud bang, the door swung open, revealing Minha and the rest of the girls.

The sight of someone choking their beloved maknae was the last thing they wanted to witness.

Chaewon’s anger surged within her, and she couldn’t contain herself. “What are you doing to her?!” she yelled, her voice filled with fury.

The intensity of the situation left ShinAe shocked, her eyes fixated on Minha, who stood there in disbelief.

Minha, speechless and overwhelmed by what she had just witnessed, couldn’t hide her disappointment and anger.

ShinAe, a close friend, had been caught in the act of harming Eunchae.

The conflicting emotions swirled within Minha, as she struggled to comprehend the reasons behind ShinAe’s actions.

ShinAe is choking Eunchae to death? Why? Why is ShinAe hurting her own sister?

She thought to herself.

ShinAe released her grip on Eunchae’s neck, causing the young girl to fall to the ground.

Unnie...” Eunchae weakly called out, her voice filled with pain and vulnerability.

Minha walked past ShinAe, paying her no mind, as she rushed to Eunchae’s side, cradling her in her arms.

ShinAe attempted to call out to Minha, but her words were met with a sharp rebuke.

“Don’t call me with that filthy mouth of yours,” Minha retorted, pushing ShinAe away and fiercely protecting Eunchae.

Eunchae, though weak, was breathing, and Minha’s heart ached at the sight of her red cheeks and tear-stained face. She couldn’t help but feel remorse for being late, for not being there to protect Eunchae when she needed her the most. “Eunchae... I’m sorry for being late... I’m really sorry,” Minha whispered, her voice filled with genuine regret and sadness.

Minha gave a subtle nod to the other girls, signaling them to take care of Eunchae.

Yunjin, her voice deep and filled with rage, “Fuck off.” cursed at ShinAe in English. Her deadly gaze pierced through ShinAe as Sakura helped her carry Eunchae on her back.

Chaewon, with a determined look in her eyes, swiftly took off her sweater and gently wrapped it behind Eunchae for comfort and warmth. They left Minha and ShinAe behind, their focus solely on ensuring Eunchae’s well-being.

Unnie?” Sakura’s hand held Minha’s, feeling the coldness that seemed to emanate from her.

“Leave us, Kkura. I have unfinished business with her.”

The cold voice and the cold aura is making the Japanese girl worried. Concern etched on her face, Sakura was hesitant to leave them alone. But before she could voice her worries, Minha flashed a bitter smile.

“I’ll be fine, trust me. You go ahead and update me later,” Minha reassured her, her voice filled with a mix of determination and resignation.

With that, Sakura reluctantly left the broken room, closing the door behind her.

The room was filled with an icy silence that seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

Minha’s voice finally broke the stillness, her words cutting through the tension like a knife. “I was confused as hell... why is my friend, trying to kill my sister? In a split second, I thought I was dreaming...” Minha voiced her bewilderment, her arms crossed tightly over her chest as she leaned against the wall. The coldness in her voice was unmistakable, a stark contrast to the warmth that used to radiate from her.

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