Chapter 85

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As they sat by the fire pit, Jade and Minha tuned their guitars together, their conversation shifting to their upcoming schedules. "Next week is going to be intense, Jade," Minha remarked, her focus on her guitar.

Jade looked at Minha with curiosity.

"Our promotion is about to begin, and we have schedules almost every day. Have you seen the schedule?" Minha asked, finishing up the tuning. It had been an hour since their last dinner with everyone, and they had headed to the fire pit as soon as they finished eating.

"Yes, I've been keeping up with the schedules. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the tight schedule, I'm actually amazed. You know, I've been rooting for this group since debut, right? Once I found out that my best friend was debuting, I was so excited to see you and this amazing group. That's when I became a FEARNOT," Jade said, taking a sip of her beer and smiling.

Minha let out a small chuckle. "And your bias is Jen," Minha teased, laughing again at her best friend.

Jade looked around and playfully hit Minha's shoulder. "Shut up, unnie. Don't expose me like that. I'm trying to be professional here. You think it's easy to work as a personal bodyguard when my bias is around? Hell no," Jade retorted.

Teasing Jade was one of Minha's favorite pastimes. She knew Jade had been a big fan of Yunjin for a long time. "But you've been amazingly professional all this time. Thank you for taking care of my girls," Minha genuinely thanked Jade for doing a great job as their personal bodyguard.

"It's my responsibility, unnie. You don't have to worry, okay?" Jade reassured Minha, patting her back. Their fingers strummed the guitar strings, ready to play some songs.

"By the way, how did you feel when you found out about Purinz's relationship?" Minha suddenly asked.

Jade smiled. "I'm their number one fan. I stan Purin more than you, unnie," Jade teased, enjoying her turn to poke fun at the leader. Both of them burst into laughter, enjoying the lighthearted moment together.

As Minha and Jade prepared to play their guitars, the rest of the girls joined them at the fire pit. Kazuha walked hand in hand with Eunchae, carrying snacks with them.

Minha smiled and sent a signal to Jade to begin playing. "This is my first time playing this song. I actually wrote it during my hiatus. I hope you all enjoy it," Minha said, addressing the members.

"Unnie, can I record it?" Yunjin asked, seeking permission.

"I want to record it too!" Eunchae chimed in, placing the snacks on Kazuha's lap in order to take out her phone. Minha chuckled and nodded in agreement.

Minha and Jade began strumming their guitars, creating a beautiful melody. This was the first time Minha would be revealing her new song to everyone. In the past, she would usually only play it by herself or share it with one or two members. However, Jade was familiar with the song, as they had played it together during their free time.

Behind the girls, their four managers and other staff members gathered to watch the performance. "I had this team in mind when I wrote this song. You all are precious to me, so this song is for you," Minha said, a smile gracing her face.

Some day, we’ll reach that place
With the same heart just like always
We’ll be looking at each other with a smile
As I dream of that day, I’m looking at one place

When I think about you, tears fall
Because I’m thankful for you for always staying by my side
When I look at you, my heart races
Because I see the bright light that shines in front of me

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