Chapter 67

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On the last day of filming, Minha mustered up the courage to confront Yumin after the schedule ended. She had become aware of all the unusual behavior Yumin had exhibited, but she decided to treat her the same as before.

The baked cookies were delicious, and Minha could confirm that Yumin had baked them specifically for her. While changing her outfit, Yumin helped her as usual. There was nothing overtly strange, except Minha noticed Yumin being extra touchy today. Due to Minha's height, Yumin struggled to fix the outfit on the shoulder part, so Minha lowered herself slightly to make it easier for Yumin.

Once again, Minha caught Yumin being extra touchy. However, with the busy schedule and many people in the waiting room, Minha let it slide.

The other members had witnessed everything and were concerned, but they remained silent, waiting for Minha to confront Yumin on her own.

After a successful end to the schedule, with the concert just a month away and most of the preparations completed, Minha and the members changed their clothes before leaving the waiting room.

As the members got into the car, Minha placed her bag on the back seat and headed to another part of the building to see Yumin before she left.

Yumin was busy placing her belongings in the back of her car when she suddenly startled at the sight of Minha appearing behind her. Minha offered to help, and Yumin secretly loved the gesture. Yumin thanked Minha for her assistance.

Minha smiled warmly and said, "Yumin-ssi, I have something I need to talk to you about."

Yumin nodded, her expression a mix of nervousness and curiosity. "Sure, Minha-ssi. What's on your mind?" she replied.

Taking a deep breath, Minha began, "I've noticed some unusual behavior from you towards me, Yumin-ssi. You've been doing things that are different from how you treat the other members, like baking cookies only for me and being extra touchy. It's made me confused and uncomfortable."

Yumin's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked down, unable to meet Minha's gaze. "I... I didn't realize it was making you feel that way, Minha-ssi," she admitted, her voice filled with regret. "I'm sorry if I crossed any boundaries or made you uncomfortable. I... I have feelings for you, and I didn't know how to handle them professionally."

Minha listened attentively, her initial confusion giving way to understanding. She reached out and gently placed a hand on Yumin's arm. "Yumin-ssi, I appreciate your honesty," she said, her voice filled with empathy. "But it's important to remember that we have a professional relationship as stylist and artist. Your actions have made others uncomfortable, and it could have serious consequences for your career."

Yumin nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I understand, Minha-ssi," she replied, her voice filled with remorse. "I never meant for things to escalate this way. I promise to be more professional and respectful in the future."

Minha smiled softly, her heart filled with compassion. "I forgive you, Yumin-ssi," she said, her voice gentle. "We all make mistakes, and what's important is that we learn from them. Let's focus on our work and continue to support each other."

Yumin's eyes glistened with gratitude, and she nodded, her voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you, Minha-ssi. I truly appreciate your understanding and forgiveness. I'll do my best to make things right."

As Minha turned to walk away, Yumin called out, "Minha-ssi, one more thing. I want you to know that I deeply value our friendship and professional relationship. I'll make sure to respect your boundaries and prioritize our work above all else."

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