Chapter 36

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As Minha slowly opened her eyes the next morning, she found herself greeted by the adorable sight of Kazuha cuddling up to her.

Kazuha, the epitome of cuteness, was clinging to Minha’s waist, her face buried in the warmth of Minha’s toned abs.

Minha couldn’t help but smile at the sight, appreciating the peacefulness of the moment. The room was filled with a serene ambiance as Minha observed Kazuha’s steady breaths, a sign that she was deeply asleep.

Kazuha’s innocent face, unburdened by worries, only added to the sweetness of the scene.

Minha’s heart swelled with love for her girlfriend, grateful for her presence and the comfort she provided. However, Minha’s smile faded as the memories of the previous night came rushing back. The weight of what had transpired still lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over the peacefulness of the morning. The frown on Minha’s face reflected the turmoil of emotions she was experiencing.


As Minha left the bathroom after her shower, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of tranquility wash over her. The stress of work and the negativity from people seemed to fade away in the presence of her peacefully sleeping girlfriend, Kazuha. Just one look at Kazuha’s adorable slumber, and all the difficulties of the outside world melted away like magic.

With a soft smile adorning her face, Minha approached the bed where Kazuha lay, peacefully unaware of Minha’s presence. She didn’t want to disturb Kazuha’s sleep, so she carefully laid down, making sure to leave a slight space between them. It was a small gesture, an acknowledgment of the unsettled issues between them, but also a sign of her respect for Kazuha’s personal space.

However, as Minha settled in and tried to drift off to sleep, she found herself unable to find rest. The late hour of almost 3 a.m. only added to her frustration. Her tired body longed for sleep, yet her mind remained stubbornly awake. It was an annoyance that plagued her every attempt to find solace in slumber.

Suddenly, Kazuha stirred in her sleep, prompting Minha to react instinctively. She reached out and began rubbing Kazuha’s back in a soothing motion, hoping to provide some comfort.

“I-I’m sorry...”

Minha shifted under the blanket to get a better view of Kazuha’s face. “Zuha?” Minha gently wrapped her arm under Kazuha’s neck, pulling her closer in a tender embrace. It was a silent reassurance, a way of letting Kazuha know that she was there for her.

In her sleep, Kazuha murmured words that tugged at Minha’s heartstrings. “Please...don’t leave me...unnie...”

The worry etched across Minha’s face deepened as she witnessed Kazuha’s sudden tears. “Sweetheart? Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Minha’s voice was filled with concern as she tried to wake Kazuha from her distressing dream.

But Kazuha continued to cry, her sobs growing louder.

Minha knew she had to take more decisive action. With a gentle yet firm touch, she shook Kazuha’s shoulders, calling out her name. “Zuha!”

Kazuha jolted awake, her breathing heavy and tears streaming down her face.

Minha hovered over her, desperately seeking answers. “What is going on?” she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of worry and urgency.

Kazuha didn’t immediately respond to Minha’s question. Instead, she pulled Minha’s neck closer, seeking solace in a tight embrace. Her voice trembled as she tried to explain, “It felt real when I saw... I saw you-”

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