Chapter 18

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Practice room.

The practice room at HYBE was a flurry of activity. Minha and Kazuha had arrived early for dance class, eager to prepare for the upcoming KCON.

Minha needed to catch up quickly to sync with the rest of the members, but being a skilled dancer, she had no trouble picking up the moves.

Kazuha, with her 15 years of ballet experience, was there to guide her.

Minha found herself admiring Kazuha as she led the practice.

The young Japanese girl was a sight to behold when she was in serious mode. Her dance skills were exceptional, her beauty undeniable, and her authenticity was something that made her stand out.

As Minha watched Kazuha, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride for her members.

Suddenly, the sound of loud footsteps echoed from outside the room. The voices of Yunjin and Eunchae were unmistakable, their excitement palpable.

Minha and Kazuha shared a grin, pausing the music as they prepared for the inevitable onslaught of hugs.

The door swung open with a loud bang,

UNNIEE!!” Eunchae launched herself at Minha.

The force of the hug sent them both tumbling to the floor, much to the shock of Sakura.

Yunjin, on the other hand, managed to control her excitement, mindful of not causing any harm to Minha.

Sakura, who had just entered the room, gasped in shock. “Are you okay, unnie?” Her concern was evident as she asked if Minha was okay.

Minha, unable to speak due to Eunchae’s tight hug, simply gave a shaky thumbs up.

Eunchae’s excitement was infectious, her loud exclamations filling the room.

Minha could only laugh at the situation, despite the discomfort of having Eunchae sitting on her stomach.

“I MISSED YOU!!! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!!!” Manchae asked, screaming to be exact.

Minha pushed the girl to face her. “Why are you so strong? Oh my god.” managed to gasp out, her voice muffled by Eunchae’s shoulder.

Eunchae, still clinging to Minha, pouted. “Don’t push me! I wanna hug you!” she protested, her voice filled with mock indignation.

Yunjin, who had managed to control her excitement, chuckled at the scene. “Eunchae, you’re going to crush unnie at this rate,” she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Meanwhile, Chaewon stood to the side, a soft smile on her face. She was relieved to see Minha back in good health, and the sight of the members’ reunion warmed her heart. "Welcome back, unnie," she said softly, her voice barely audible over the laughter and chatter in the room. “We’ve missed you.”

Minha, finally freed from Eunchae’s bear hug, sat up and looked around at the members. “I’ve missed you all too,” she said, her voice choked with emotion. “I’m glad to be back.”

The rest of the members watched the scene unfold, their hearts filled with relief and happiness at seeing their leader back in good health.

Chaewon, stood to the side, a soft smile on her face. She would approach Minha later, once the initial excitement had died down. For now, she was content to watch the heartwarming reunion unfold.

The atmosphere in the room was light and jovial as the members of LE SSERAFIM gathered for an early dinner. The menu for the day was Goobne, a delightful spread of pizza and chicken. It was a perfect way to celebrate Minha’s return.

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