Chapter 2: New Suit

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Nova's outfit for this chapter: continuous.

"Hey, You called me, What's up?" Nova said as she walked down into Tony's lab. He was working on what seemed to be yet another suit.

"Hey, I'm working on something, I need your help with it." He said.

"Really? Mine? I mean I'm not, mechanical, or scientific," She said, "I mean I was never really that good at school or anything,"

"Well, me neither," Tony said and looked up from his work, smiling at Nova. "I need your help with this, because its for you."

"What? The suit?" She inquired.



"Well, I figured, if you are going to come with me into battle, you might as well have your own suit." Nova looked at him with her eyes wide open.

"What?! You're taking me?" Tony nodded with a smile on his face. Nova hugged him tightly.
she never had a father for 18 years of her life, she never had expected the really talkative and non serious billionaire on her tv screen to be so generous with his love.

She looked down at the suit carefully, "It's blue."

"Yeah, your name is Nova," He explained, she looked at him perplexed, "Supernova...?"

"Oh, Right!" She said. "It's so quiet in here."

"Help yourself," He said and pointed at his stereo.

She went over to the stereo, and the first song she found was of course an AC/DC song, she had been aware of Tony's obsession with AC/DC, something they shared. She put on Highway to Hell and walked back over to Tony.

"What dya' think?" Tony said in regards to the suit.

Nova looked at it, "I don't know if I like it."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I mean, no offence, but your suits are kind of fashionably boring."

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know I had to look fashionable in the middle of fighting a guy who's trying to murder me." Tony snarked.

"Whatever Tony," Nova said rolling her eyes. "Would it kill you to add a skirt or something?"

"Would it kill you to call me Dad or something?" He shot back.

"We're not there yet." Nova said in a sassy tone. She didn't wanna hurt Tony, but calling him dad didn't feel right, at least not yet.

"Anyway, I wanna wear it."


Nova was in her suit, It fit her perfectly, she felt strange being in the suit, but felt like her dad, which made her happy. Tony looked at her proudly with a huge smile plastered on his face.

All of a sudden a robotic voice spoke up from inside the suit, "Hello, Miss Nova, What can I help you with today?"

"Oh my god! I have my own Jarvis?!"

"Of course, Name it!"

"Um," Nova pondered upon it for a minute, "I'll name it, Daisy, after my mother." She said confidently. The corners of Tony's mouth turned up.

"Now, I wanna fly!" Nova announced.

"Wait what?" She fired up her suit and exited the garage. Leaving Tony distraught. Tony quickly got into his suit and followed Nova out.

Nova was soaring up in the sky, surrounded by puffy clouds, you see this view in planes, you never expect to be flying right in the middle of it. She wasn't used to this, and had absolutely no practice. At first she was fine, but then there was turbulence, "Woah, Woah, Woah," She said as she went out of balance, "Daisy! What's going on?"

"You're experiencing some turbulence,"

"You don't say!" She shouted, as she went more out of control and started falling towards the ground. She screamed but soon enough Tony rushed under her and lifted her up. Nova smiled big and let out a little laugh.

They both stood still in the air, "Alright, you have to let loose, balance yourself," Tony instructed. Nova followed his command. "Now, one, two, three, Go!" He said.

They both took off into the sky together, circling each other. Tony played AC/DC to make himself look more cool. "Woohooo!" Nova screamed.

"Now, How do I shoot?"

"Nova, No!"

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