Chapter 10: Sandwiches

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Nova's outfit:

——————————————CAPTAIN AMERICATHE WINTER SOLDIER——————————————

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"Are you kidding me? I obviously won that!" Tony said. Tony, Rhodey, Pepper and Nova were in the living room, playing a board game.

"Tony, the dice went off the board, that doesn't count!" Rhodey explained. Tony looked at him like he was crazy.

"Who made up that rule?" He questioned.

"Yeah, no it doesn't count." Pepper added. Nova started laughing hysterically at all this discourse.

They had started bickering. "It counts!"

"Tony, it doesn't! Have you never played a board game before?"

"Once! In college!"

Nova kept on laughing, not joining in on the friendly argument. It had been 2 years since The battle of New york. Life had improved, it was peaceful, She had been training a lot, trying to learn about her powers as much as she could. But mostly she spent her time like this, around her family.


After the little house gathering was over, Nova decided to stay and help with the dishes. As she was done washing the plates, she walked back to the couch where Tony was. She looked down at her phone, there were two new voice mails. One from Steve and one from Nat. They had kept in touch often, so this wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

She opened the voice mail, Nat's voice ringed through, "Hey! Just checking in, haven't heard from you in a while, the last I saw you, it was a disaster," Nat laughed, "Steve got food poisoning from the sandwiches we got from the deli. Anyway, I miss you!"

Nova furrowed her eyebrows. She went and sat down on the couch besides Tony. "That's odd. Nat just left me a voicemail, she used our sos signal."

"You guys have an SOS signal?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, it was mainly for me to use, if I needed Nat's help. The signal was Sandwiches." She said.

"Sandwiches?" Tony raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, It's weird." She brought up her phone and started playing Steve's voice mail.

"Hey, Nova. I'm calling cause I had a god awful Sandwich, it reminded me of that time, ah you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, Just checking in, hope you're well."

"They're in some sort of trouble, They said the safe word twice, Dad." Tony looked at her concerned. "But I don't know where they are. You think Jarvis can track them?"

"Is that even a question?"


They were in Tony's lab. "Got it!" He said. "They're in Washington, at this address." Nova looked at the computer screen. "You know it?" He inquired.

"No, Never seen it. I guess I'm going to Washington." She said.

"Are you sure about this? It sounds serious." He said.

"Dad, they need me." She insisted.

"Alright kid, your new suit's out there collecting dust anyway." He smiled.

Outfit now:

Nova arrived on the doorstep of a little house in Washington DC, She looked up at the door for a minute before knocking, never once having seen it before in her life

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Nova arrived on the doorstep of a little house in Washington DC, She looked up at the door for a minute before knocking, never once having seen it before in her life. Maybe it was some sort of safe house. She knocked on it twice. A few seconds later a tall, muscular man came to the door. Judging by his built, he definitely had something to do with Steve.

"Hey...Uh...Wanna have some Sandwiches?" She said, feeling stupid. If this place had nothing to do with Steve and Nat then the guy must definitely have thought she was insane. But instead he looked at her and nodded, letting her in.

She walked in and was met with the intensely serious gazes of her two fellow Avengers. They were in trouble, she could see it on their faces.


"So," Nova gulped, "The situation at hand doesn't look so good from where I'm standing." She said.

"It doesn't look good from anywhere." Steve said.

Steve and Nat filled her in about everything that had happened over home cooked breakfast. The Winter Soldier, Shield being compromised, Hydra, And the death of Nick Fury, which hit her like a bus when she heard of it.

"But why'd you call me? You could have called my dad." She asked.

Steve answered, "Tony would have been under a lot of surveillance, plus, you're one of the strongest people we know, and we are dealing with what seems to be a very deadly and trained assassin. We need all the help we can get." Nova couldn't help but smile at the compliment. "Look, Nova, this is very dangerous, If you don't wanna do it, I completely understand."

"Cap, Fury's dead, Shield has been compromised, I think that's enough reason for me to be on board with this." She looked up at Steve, "I'm here to help." Steve and Nat passed her a grateful smile.

"So, the real question is: how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight?" Steve said.

"The answer is: you don't." Sam spoke as he dropped a file on the table in-front of Steve. Steve grabbed it and looked through it, "What's this?"

"Call it a resume."

Natasha picked up one of the pictures of Sam with what appeared to be him and his para rescue team. "Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you." She looked to Steve, "You didn't say he was a para-rescue. I heard they couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPGs. What did you use, a stealth chute?" She asked Sam.

"No, these." He hands Steve another file, he opens it and reads it.

"I thought you said you were a pilot,"

"I never said Pilot." Sam smirked.

"Lemme see that," Nova took the file from Steve, going through it. "So, you could fly?" Nova smiled.

"Uh huh." Sam said proudly.

"Oh, do I have something for you to see." Nova bragged about her flight abilities. Sam looked at her perplexed, "Just wait." Nova said and winked.

"I can't ask you to do this, Sam. You got out for a good reason."

"Dude, Captain America needs my help. There's no better reason to get back in." Sam said.

Nova smiled and looked at Steve, "He gets it."

"Where can we get our hands on one of these things?" Steve inquired.

"The last one is at Fort Meade, behind three guarded gates and a twelve-inch steel wall."

"Shouldn't be a problem."

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