Chapter 53: Peter and Wendy

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"If you wanna break my cold, cold heart just say I loved you, the way that you were. "

Nova went home, the only home she knew, the compound. She walked into the empty facility, it was dark, the rooms were unvisited, beds made and tables dusty. She walked through the darkness towards her room, but stopped and eyed the one next to her's, Steve's room.

She walked inside and turned on a small lamp. His room was plain, impersonalised, as if he knew he wasn't going to be here long. She sat on his bed, running her hands over the bedsheets.

Then got up, roaming around the room. Her sight landed on a few pieces of paper on his desk. She walked up to the desk and picked them up. They were hand drawn sketches, mostly of landscape, of course she had no idea he sketched, lately it felt like she didn't know him at all. As she flipped through them she landed on a familiar one. It was a sketch of her, she surveyed it, feeling a hole in her stomach.

Play: Chloe or Sam or Sofia or Marcus - Taylor Swift

Suddenly, Nova felt a presence behind her, she turned around and it was Steve, standing in the darkness near the window. She considered the possibility of it being a mirage.

"Came to get your stuff?" she asked quietly.

"Came to see you." he revealed firmly.

"You have some nerve." she said. "Why are you here, Steve?"

"Come with me." he said.

Nova raised her eyebrows, and looked at Steve in disbelief like he just told her a joke. "Like I said, some nerve you have!" she said. Steve didn't respond. "After what you did, you expect me to come with you?"

"I did what had to be done." he stated sternly.

Nova stood and stared at him with the same expression, "You did what had to be done?" she repeated, a storm was about to come. "You did what had to be done? You beat up my father to a pulp after he found out how his parents died. I defended you to everyone when you were going rogue Steve, and this is what I got?" she shouted. "What, did you think it was okay just because I wasn't there to see it?"

Steve looked down at his feet, "Nova I..."

"You what? You're sorry, maybe?" she asked as she got closer to him.

He didn't say anything, just looked down at his feet, she eyed him, impatiently waiting for him to apologise, but he didn't. She looked at him disappointed and slightly enraged.

"God, it's like I don't even know you anymore." she said.

Steve lowly said, "Maybe you never knew me as well as you thought you did." Nova couldn't believe his nerve, he couldn't blurt out a sorry but this he could say.

"Steve, you should go."

"What?" his face shot up. He had never heard that sentence out of her mouth before.

"Go, Steve. It's already not safe for you to be here, and — I don't want to see you." she said.

Steve looked into her eyes, standing still for a moment, hoping maybe something would change. He didn't want to be the way he was, he didn't want to do the things he did, he wished things could have been simpler, but they weren't, so he walked away, climbed out of the window and left.

Nova wished he stayed, she wished he said sorry, she wished he was worth going with, that for once in his life he let go of his ego and showed him he did care for her as much as she did for him, but he didn't. So she stood there in the pale lamplight, watching him leave, again.

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