Chapter 4: Do you know who you are?

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Nova found Thor and Loki in the middle of some argument while she was looking for her dad. She hid behind some rock and listened to it.

"Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be-king?" Thor asked Loki.

"I am a King!" Loki loudly announced.

"Not here, you give up the tesseract! You give up this poisonous-" Thor paused at the sound of Nova's suit moving. When she noticed the pause she gritted her teeth, feeling stupid and embarrassed, potentially scared.

"Who's there?" Thor asked. Nova closed her eyes shut. The inside of her mind became some sort of Story Mode video game, giving her options on what to do:

Come out from behind the rock and face Them,
Stay there and hope the whole thing goes away.

She obviously chose the first option. She nervously and slowly came out from behind the rock.

"Who are you, Tin man?" Thor asked her.

She removed her helmet.

"Tin- Woman." Thor rephrased.

"Thor, is it?" Nova asked. Thor nodded. "You need to hand over Loki right now."

"He's my brother, he will face asgardian justice." Thor said.

"He has committed several crimes on our planet, he needs to be handed over. Look Thor, there's no need to argue, we both want the same thing." She explained. Thor was considering this when he got knocked off the mountain by Tony.

"Damnit!" Nova cursed. Once again, she had two options:

Follow Tony,
keep an eye on Loki.

She looked at Loki who was grinning and amused. She cursed to herself as she chose the first option yet again, and flew away, leaving Loki by himself.

She followed Tony, and watched him and Thor crash into a forest. Tony's helmet opened up.
"Do not touch me again!" Thor demanded.

"Then don't take my stuff." Tony retaliated.

Nova landed besides them in the forest, She could see that Tony was enraged. "I thought I told you to stay on the ship!" He said to Nova.

"Don't insult the Tin woman, unlike you, she's civil." Thor defended Nova, leaving her a bit confused. "This is beyond you, metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice!"

"He gives up the Cube, he's all yours. Until then, stay out of my way... tourist." This ticked off Thor, as he threw his hammer knocking tony into a nearby tree.

Thor raised his hand and the hammer flew back to his hand. Thor swung the hammer, summoning a ray of energy. Tony stood up and from his hand boosters, a blast of energy knocks the mighty god of thunder on his back.
Tony flies back up and knocks Thor into a tree.

Throughout all this Nova stood helpless, she knew Thor was good and didn't want to fight him, she also didn't want to fight her dad. At this point, she had no idea what to do, and so she just watched.

To her blessing, Cap's shield ricocheted off both Thor and Tony, stopping them. They looked up and to see Cap standing on top of a fallen tree with the shield back in hand.

"Hey! That's enough!" He looks at Thor, "Now I don't know what you plan on doing here."

"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes." Thor aggressively explained.

"Then prove it, put that hammer down." Cap said.

"Uh, Cap, I don't think that's a-" Nova warned as Thor raised his hammer and leaping high in air, Cap crouched down and held up his shield. The both collided, the hammer of a God, and the strongest Metal on earth, causing a massive shockwave blowing everything within a mile of it. Knocking down Tony and Nova.

Cap got up, "Now, are we done here?" Thor calmed down.

Tony looked at Nova, "We need to talk." He said. She could smell his fury.


Tony walked into the shield building and Nova followed behind him, looking down at the ground, guilty. He had been giving her the silent treatment.

She decided to be the one to say something first, "Are you seriously not gonna say something?"

Tony ignored and kept walking ahead. He stopped in his tracks for a moment and turned around, "I told you to stay on the jet." His eyes pierced into Nova's.

"I know but I thought you needed help you know, you were up against a god." She explained.

"If I needed your help, I would have said it," Tony firmly concluded and started walking away. Till he came back. "You know what kid, I don't know what you want. What are you doing here with me, I never see you talk about what you want, what you wanna do with your life, do you even go to college, what major do you even have, I know nothing about you and I don't even think you do." Tony spat.

Nova was left speechless, unable to articulate words, or feelings. Because he was right. Tony's gaze lingered on her for a bit, waiting for a response, but she didn't have one. So he just gave up and started to walk away.

"You're right." Nova started. Tony turned around. "I don't know what I want, I never did know who I am, I never felt good at anything, I never thought I was meant for anything. But then this avengers thing came along, It just called for me, I just knew. It was like, like it was where I belonged."

This made Tony regret everything he said. His gaze had softened, the anger washed away by all his guilt.

"You're a dick, Tony." Nova declared and walked away.

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