Chapter 43: I know the end

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Nova's outfit:

 "I'll find a new place to be from

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"I'll find a new place to be from."

Nova was in London, to attend Peggy Carter's funeral with Steve and Sam. She walked towards the church to see Sam waiting there. No sight of Steve. She walked up to Sam.

"Hey doofus." she said with a dry tone and expression.

Sam was taken aback, he looked at her perplexed. "Sorry. Involuntary action." she said.

Sam smiled and nodded. "You look good." he said.

Nova looked around to see if she could spot Steve. "Yeah, you look good too."

"You lookin for your boyfriend?" he joked.

Nova turned back her head swiftly to face him. "That's disgusting Sam, it's Peggy's funeral. Jesus Christ!"

He laughed. "But I'm right."

"You're not! He's not my boyfriend. He loves Peggy." she avoided looking at Sam.

"And you love him?" he teased.

"No! I mean, sure I guess I like him a little— a lot, but it doesn't matter," she babbled, "AND YOU CANNOT TELL HIM THIS!"

"Okay, Okay!" he threw up his hands, "I won't say a word, and its nothing he probably doesn't know already." he joked. Nova gave him a death stare.

"You're signing the accords?" she shifted the topic.

The look on Sam's face changed from playful to serious and annoyed at the mention of the accords. "No. Was that not clear? You?" he asked.

"I have no idea what to do." she said. Sam nodded. "Come on, let's go inside.


Sam and Nova sat at their seats inside the cathedral. It was packed. 6 men carried in the coffin, one of them was Steve. Nova looked back at their arrival. She focused on Steve, his eyes were red. He really loved her, she thought.

When the coffin had been set down, Steve came and Sat down next to Nova. The eulogy was being spoken, Nova looked over to Steve and observed him. His gaze was down at his lap. To comfort him, she lightly put her hand over his. His head shot up, he looked at Nova, she looked ahead, to avoid eye contact. He suddenly intertwined his hand with Nova's and looked away.

Nova raised her eyebrows and her eyes widened in shock. She didn't expect that. She sat frozen, almost as if time had stopped. The priest's words were blurry to her, she could not hear a sound.

The priest then said, "And now, I would like to invite Sharon Carter to come up and say a few words." and a blonde woman walked up to the podium.

Nova noticed Sam nudging Steve, "Do you guys know her?" she asked.

"Yeah! She was Steve's undercover agent neighbour that he had a crush on and tried to ask out." he revealed, stirring up tension. Steve's eyes widened in embarrassment.

"Oh." Nova said.

"No I didn't!" he looked at Nova, "He's just kidding around, I didn't like her. Really!" he said anxiously.

Nova stifled a laugh, "Steve, calm down. It's none of my business anyways." she removed her hand from his and smiled.

He looked down at where her hand formerly was, her words cutting through him. He wanted to kill Sam.


(Play NOW!!: I know the end - Phoebe Bridgers) (Preferably from the second verse so it matches up the remaining of the chapter)

The funeral was over. The mourners had left. Nova and Sam exited, Steve had insisted on staying in the cathedral from a moment. He hadn't come out in a while, Nova had decided to go in and check up on him.

He stood alone in the empty cathedral, he noticed her arrival and began speaking, "When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone I had known was gone. Then I found out that she was alive. I was just lucky to have her." he revealed solemnly.

"She had you back, too." Nova comforted.

A silence fell upon the room. "Are you signing it?" he asked.

"Undecided. I'm not ruling out the idea completely." she said. Steve nodded.

"You're not gonna do it are you?" she assumed, "Sharon's speech, about standing your ground, had the feeling that that probably sealed your decision." she explained.

Steve smiled, "You know me well."

"I'm scared, Steve. What if— what if the avengers are broken apart?" she looked down at the ground.

Steve sighed. "You'll always have me." Nova looked up at him, feeling a sense of betrayal, he didn't deny the possibility of the avengers breaking apart. She thought he was one of the people who would do anything to prevent that from happening, but he didn't deny it. He didn't deny it.

"Will i?" she quietly questioned. Steve looked at her gravely. A sense of an impending doom lingered between them. They knew this wasn't going to end well. She had never been more terrified.

They stood in complete silence, staring at the ground. They wanted to be there with each other, alone, in the midst of their worlds collapsing. They had both made up their minds, and they both knew. But they didn't want to think about it, they just wanted to stay there, forever preferably.

'But you had to go, I know, I know, I know. Like a wave that crashed and melted on the shore.'

'But I'm not gonna go down with my hometown in a tornado, I'm gonna chase it.'

'The end is here
The end is here
The end is here'

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