Chapter 55: New Order

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Spider-Man: Homecoming

Nova sat in her bed shoving chips into her mouth and watching Doctor Who. It was evening time. Over the months she had picked up this routine. She didn't really have a whole lot to do, no missions, she was as free as a bird, and slightly depressed.

Tony entered the room, dressed in a suit, "Nova come-" he paused midway, seeing her state, "You're not dressed yet?"

"Uh..." she mumbled, holding a chip in front of her mouth.

"Nova! You were supposed to go with me to this charity event today!" he reminded her.

"Oh, that was today?" she asked obliviously.

Tony closed his eyes shut and took a deep breath out of annoyance. "You've got 10 minutes." he said quietly.

Nova got out of bed quickly, "Give me five."


Nova's dress:

Nova came out of her room, all dressed

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Nova came out of her room, all dressed. In the last month her identity had circulated around the media, not that she was ever trying to hide it. Everyone found out she was Tony's daughter. Her life changed drastically, with paparazzi following her around, journalists and  multiple talk shows reaching out to her. It was sudden. Funnily enough, being an Avenger never got her as much attention and fame being a Stark did.

Ever since this change happened, Tony started taking Nova to events since she had nothing better to do and he had no one to go with most of the time. This was one of those days.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"Like you're going to a funeral." Tony answered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips.

Tony got up, "It means I don't know fashion. Come on, you look great." They both walked out.


Nova was managing to pull herself away from a conversation she didn't want to be a part of with a woman who's name she forgot who owned a huge company which's name she also forgot.

Nova didn't like this change in her life, it was sudden and unwanted. Growing up the way she did, she always saw through elitist culture and despised it, which had become harder to do when she found out her dad was billionaire Tony Stark, she felt almost like a hypocrite, but the more she got to know Tony the more she realised he had a good heart and wasn't like the rest of them.

She strutted towards the bar, walking fast enough to avoid anyone stopping her to chat. As she reached the bar she sat on the stool and took a deep breath an irritated look on her face. She put her hand on her temple.

"What can I get you." the bartender said, he had a slight British accent.

"How about a gun." Nova muttered.

The bartender chuckled, Nova looked up at him and smiled, he was a brunette with a kind smile. He was wearing a black and white uniform.

"That bad huh?" he asked.

Nova looked down and smiled, "No, no — I'm just not used to these things, I guess."

"Well," he said, "You can always hide here at the bar."

She stifled a laugh.

"I'm Robin." he introduced himself.

"I'm Nova-"

"Adler. I know." he said, Nova half smiled and looked down. "The blue hair kinda gives it away."

"Oh, yeah." Nova mumbled and shook her head.

She turned her head and looked around, observing the crowd of people. As her eyes wandered they landed on something peculiar. It was Steve. Her heartbeat raced and she adjusted in her seat, almost about to jump out of it. He was standing in a suit with a glass of champagne in his hand, talking to a group of people.

Nova blinked and he went away, it wasn't him, it was some random man, who looked nothing like Steve. Her mind was playing tricks on her, it was merely a mirage. She pouted slightly, slumped, and turned her head back around.

Suddenly Tony came walking towards her, "Oh there you are." he said, she turned around to face him. "I've been looking for you all over. I have to talk to you."

"What's up?" she asked dully and uninterested.

"Walk with me." he said.


The two exited the building and walked on the outskirts of it, it was a windy day, the sun was about to go down.

"So..." Tony began, "You remember Peter?"

"How could I forget." she said unenthusiastically.

"Yeah, well he's been blowing up Happy's phone with multiple voicemails and what not, Happy's sick of it."

Nova chuckled, "Would love to see that."

"Yeah — Anyways, um, so, here's the thing, not that I don't love Doctor Who, I mean I think his tech is a little outdated but whatever—"

"Dad he travels throughout the universe his tech is not outdated," she argued.

"Whatever, the point is; You need something to do. I can't have you wallowing around all day like a zombie." Tony said.

"Okay...What are you suggesting?" she slowed down.

Tony looked back at her anxiously, "Well, you see, Peter needs someone—"

"No, no, No!"

"You need something to do and he needs someone to look after him—" Tony spoke fast.

"No, no, no!"

"Nova, come on!" he insisted.

"This is like you're demoting me or something!" Nova said.

"I'm not—" Nova started to shake her head, "Hey, hey, hey, listen to me. Listen!" he got her attention, Nova looked him in the eye and stood still, "You just have to hang out with him for a couple days, he needs someone to guide him, and need someone too."

"To guide me?" she shouted offended.

"No, no, no. Not to guide you," Tony paused and his gaze drifted away, "It's just that, I don't want me and Vision to be the only people you see everyday. You need to do something, you need a friend, an actual friend." he stated.

"He's a 16 year old dad." she said, Tony looked at her with helpless eyes. Nova folded her arms and looked away, "Okay, fine. Doctor Who isn't going anywhere." she mumbled.

"Really?" Tony said ecstatically, Nova nodded. He smiled big, "That's great honey, you're gonna love this." Nova looked at him, skeptical, "You're not gonna hate this." he changed his statement.

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