Chapter 26: Safehouse

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The Avengers sat in the Quinjet, enveloped in a cloud of guilt and defeat. The Hulk had gone rogue, leaving destruction and casualties in his wake. With the rest of the team under Wanda's influence, Tony Stark was left to confront the rampaging green beast alone.

Banner slumped on the floor, consumed by shame and fear, while the others, still reeling from their nightmarish encounters, remained on edge. Nova, her back against the wall, buried her face in her hands, wrestling with the horrors she had witnessed.

Clint maintained his focus on piloting the aircraft, while Tony engaged in a terse conversation with Maria Hill, receiving updates on the aftermath of Hulk's rampage. She advised them to lay low.

Tony Approached Nova. He sat down beside her. Nova knew of his presence but didn't say anything. Breaking the heavy silence, Tony inquired, "So, what did you see?"

Nova lifted her head wearily, her eyes reflecting the weight of her visions. "What?" she asked, surprised about how Tony knew.

"It happened to me too, that day when we got the sceptre from strucker's base. I brushed it off." He told her. "So, what'd you see?" Tony repeated.

"Nothing good," she murmured, her voice tinged with exhaustion and apprehension.

Tony nodded, his gaze fixed ahead, as if grappling with his own inner demons. "Yeah, well, same here. But it's not real. At least I hope it won't be," he confessed, as if he was talking to himself.

Perplexed, Nova pressed further, "What do you mean, 'it won't be'? What did you see?"

Tony hesitated, his expression clouded with unease. Taking a deep breath, he began to unravel the haunting images that had plagued his mind. "It was the Chitauri, and... you, all of you. You were—" he paused. "You know what, It doesn't matter," he trailed off, his voice faltering as he rose unsteadily to his feet. "I think you should get some sleep," he suggested, retreating from the conversation and leaving Nova to grapple with her own thoughts.

Confusion mingled with exhaustion as Nova leaned back against the Quinjet's wall, her mind swirling with unanswered questions. She drifted off to a deep sleep.


"Hey, wake up. We're here," Steve's gentle voice awoke Nova from her deep slumber. Blinking against the bright sunlight streaming into the Quinjet, she found herself met with Steve's reassuring smile.

Taking his offered hand, Nova allowed him to help her up, her weariness palpable. They had arrived at a farmhouse, or what Clint liked to call it, safehouse. They walked up-to the porch. Everyone was exhausted and confused. Clint opened the door to reveal a comforting warm country house. They headed off to the living room.

"Honey, I'm home." Clint called out.

Nova looked at Tony, they shared a confused expression.

A heavily pregnant woman walked out, everyone was now even more confused than they were before, passing each other looks. "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." Clint told the woman.

The woman and Clint kissed. She was his wife. "This is an agent of some kind." Tony presumed, Nova gave him a look.

"Gentleman, this is Laura." Clint introduced his wife.

"I know all your names." Laura said. Everyone stared at her awkwardly, Tony and Nova gave a little wave.

A few kids ran up to clint, calling him 'Dad'. "This day just keeps on getting weirder and weirder." Nova said in a low voice.

"These are...smaller agents." Tony said.

"Clint! You're a— dad." Nova said out loud, processing it.

"That I am."

"Sorry for barging in on you like this." Steve said sternly.

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed." Tony remarked.

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low." Clint explained.

One of Clint's kids came up to Nova and kept smiling at her, Steve noticed this, "I think she likes you." he suggested softly.

"I'm not very good with kids." Nova said.

Before Steve could reply, Thor headed out. Steve followed as did Nova. "Thor!" Steve called out.

"I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here." Thor explained briefly before he swung around his hammer and left. Steve and Nova watched him go.

They both turned around to walk inside, but something stopped Steve. Nova turned around to look at him. "What's wrong?"

"I need some air. Wanna take a walk?" Steve asked.

Nova smiled, "I could use a walk, yeah."

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