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After returning to Kara's apartment they began getting different board games before siting on the couch together just enjoying some quiet time before everyone showed up. "Are you excited to meet everyone?" Kara asked. "Well, I already know most of them. However I am looking forward to spending more time with you in general. But it'll be nice to get to know Maggie and Alex better since we will spending time together with Eliza soon." Lena stated. "Yea. Are you looking forward to that?" Kara asked. "Of course! It's the next big step in our relationship. Meeting the mom of my girlfriend!" Lena replied with a smile.

A few hours later everyone began showing up firstly with Alex and Maggie who showed up with the food. Then Sam, Win and J'onn arrived. "Everyone! I'd like you to meet Lena Luthor, my girlfriend!" Kara stated happily. "It's nice to meet you Lena!" J'onn stated shaking her hand. Everyone else just looked at the woman closely before greeting her. Sam however already knew Lena from working with her in Metropolis.

"Where's James?" Alex asked mid way through the first game. "Couldn't make it." Win stated. "Oh ok...well after this how about we eat?" Alex suggested. "Yes! I agree with this!" Kara replied with a smile. "Are you hungry already? You had a whole bag of chips earlier." Lena teased. "I'm always hungry Lee." Kara replied. "Ok! How about we eat now then." J'onn stated moving the game board to the side of the coffee table.

"I'll grab the food and warm it up." Alex stated. "I'll help you!" Sam exclaimed as she followed the brunette into the kitchen. "Everything ok between you guys?" Kara asked looking at Maggie. "No...we had a fight. And we kinda decided to take a break." Maggie stated looking towards the kitchen where laughter could now be heard between Alex and Sam. "Oh I'm sorry Maggie what was the fight about?" Kara asked. "Kids...I told Alex I didn't and would never want kids and Alex well...she wants kids..." Maggie replied.

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